bar charts

美 [bɑːr tʃɑːrts]英 [bɑː(r) tʃɑːts]
  • n.条形图(以不同长度的条形表示不同数量以作比较)
  • bar chart的复数
bar chartsbar charts

bar charts


  • 1
    N-COUNT 柱形图;条形图
    A bar chart is a graph which uses parallel rectangular shapes to represent changes in the size, value, or rate of something or to compare the amount of something relating to a number of different countries or groups.

    The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years.


  1. For information such as defect statistics , the most natural way to present it would be using bar charts or line charts .


  2. The KPIs are shown using a mixture of bar charts and HTML to show the status of any particular metric .


  3. Which of the following bar charts shows this information ?


  4. Below : the same data sliced another way and presented in bar charts .


  5. Bar charts are widely used to present numerical values of a given variable at different time points .


  6. So far , I 've shown you how to dynamically scale bar charts .


  7. The four bar charts below show the weekly working hours spent by people of different age groups in four European countries in2002 .


  8. " Severity " is divided into three categories as represented by bar charts : fatal ( maroon ), serious ( blue ) and mild ( sand ) .


  9. The thesis deeply researches into real-time supervisory technic which includes seven displaying modes such as flow chart , bar charts , real-time graph , historical graph , data list , record report , alert browse .


  10. As one of the main parts of this paper , Chapter Three carries out an elaborate analysis of Token-Value and Value-Token configurations of four articles from China Daily , with statistics shown in tables and bar charts .


  11. For the different needs of data formats from various users , we show the data output model in the format of Excel , pie charts and bar charts . In the realization stage , we introduce the report generation system for specific functions and export processes .


  12. A wide variety of chart types is available , including the basic bar and pie charts and more esoteric varieties , such as scatterplots , block histograms , and networks .


  13. COM , she can click on a link that brings up a four-page job competition report , complete with bar and pie charts showing candidates ' years of experience , recent salaries , and a list of the top companies where they have worked .


  14. With support for chart types such as line , column , pie , and stacked bar , Ext JS charts can find a place in most applications .


  15. When you click on a bar in any of the data structure bar charts , the right side of the window will update to display an initial summary of the contents of the selected structure .
