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  • n.布阿皮
  1. Integrated Technology of Heterogeneous Business Data for Enterprise Networking Manufacture Based on Groupware BAPI


  2. At one time there lived a landlord named Zhou Bapi .


  3. By using this asset , you can significantly reduce the time required for testing BAPI applications .


  4. A BAPI in nature is a RFC function module in a SAP system .


  5. After importing the BAPI using the two interfaces , you need to test the data in SAP .


  6. This feature is helpful when a given BAPI requires a lot of data to be given as input .


  7. Then create a new input business object for BAPI and set the customer number in the properties of the input business object .


  8. The BO returned by the BAPI appears as shown in Figure 31 .


  9. You can access the core business data by predefined interfaces such as IDoc and BAPI .


  10. Among all the interfaces , BAPI and ALE are the two major ones for most of the SAP applications .


  11. Part 1 will introduce two approaches to build RESTful outbound services for BAPI and ALE interfaces of SAP .


  12. If the following messages appear in the log , it proves that the BAPI was executed in SAP .


  13. You have now managed to transfer the BAPI test data from SAP GUI to Integration Developer at the click of a button !


  14. Although this method requires the additional step of creating the SCI / Inbound BAPI interface , application developers will definitely find this feature useful .


  15. Invoking the BAPI outbound interfaces is actually making a RFC call on that module to perform some function within SAP .


  16. Application developers may have used the SCI / Inbound BAPI interface several times in SAP integration projects , but not many have realized its full potential .


  17. Approach 1 is introduced to build a RESTful service for BAPI interface by implementing a function selector and data binding and configuring HTTP binding .


  18. Note : The SCI is known as the inbound BAPI interface from v6.2 of the SAP adapter .


  19. The easy way would have been to ask your SAP people to create a wrapper BAPI that would call all three needed BAPIs for you .


  20. This tutorial has shown how you can use SCI to import the BAPI test data into WebSphere Integration Developer , directly from the SAP GUI .


  21. Don 't you wish you had some way of magically transferring the huge set of BAPI test data from the SAP GUI to your middleware ?


  22. A business object ( BO ) is used to represent a BAPI call and it contains both the input and output parameters , as shown in Figure 4 .


  23. In fact , most operations are fine-grained even when they are composed services , such as an IDOC or BAPI interactions through SAP .


  24. From our standpoint ( that of a remote access programmatic connection ), there is no difference between an RFC or a BAPI .


  25. Now that you have the test data in place , the next step is to execute the SCI / Inbound BAPI to push the test data into Integration Developer .


  26. The content of article consists of BAPI architect design , detail implement process and access BAPI etc in Shanghai Telecom ERP , for integration between ERP and partner system .


  27. From the contents of the file , it is clear that it contains the skeleton of the business object ( BO ), which the BAPI expects as input .


  28. Now that you have the test data of the given BAPI , you can now test the outbound BAPI interface using the data that we received on the Integration Developer console .


  29. Enter appropriate data for your SAP business object ,( in our case a BAPI ), and also enter the username and password that the adapter will use to login in SAP .


  30. For outbound , SAP Adapter has provided multiple interfaces for invoking BAPI / RFC function modules , posting IDocs , querying tables , calling ABAP handlers in SAP , and so on .
