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  • 网络蓝色;阿祖尔;阿苏尔;蔚蓝;蔚蓝航空公司
  1. Do you remember La Mar azul ?


  2. David Neeleman , who has launched an airline , Azul , to serve all these new consumers , sums up the optimism that the new entrants to the middle class are creating .


  3. Further information on the Azul Virtual Machine can be found here and via Dr Click 's blog .


  4. Some processors , such as Azul 's Vega , include hardware support for accelerating heap allocation .


  5. Some big name companies run their web-presence on Azul gear because we can give good ( flat ) response times on heavy loads .


  6. Mr Neeleman said HNA 's investment values Azul at $ 1.9bn and will strengthen the company 's balance sheet .


  7. Cerro Azul , one of five active volcanos on the island , last eruputed in September 1998 , causing minor damage to plant life .


  8. This guess seems to be confirmed by the fact that this anomaly is not present in Azul 's JVM , which uses customized lock optimizations .


  9. InfoQ : How does what Azul is doing with GC pauses compare with Oracle 's Garbage-First collector or using a Java real-time product ?


  10. Cordillera Azul stretches eastward from the foothills of the Andes .


  11. A second goal for Azul is to see a commercial product comprising of optimised Linux and OpenJDK , though this will depend on vendor participation and support .


  12. This integration performs the resource metering locally within the compute appliance unlike other profiling solutions that require a network roundtrip back to the Azul client / proxy JVM .


  13. InfoQ : As I understand it a key advantage of Azul 's hardware is that it has direct support for write and read barriers which allows you to obtain low GC pauses .


  14. Without access to cover at the airports in Sao Paulo City , Azul established its main hub in the wealthy , agricultural heart-land of Sao Paulo state .


  15. To survive , Cordillera Azul National Park needs money , and it believes that one long-term solution will be REDD ( strategies for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ) .


  16. Adam Tan , president of HNA Group , said : We are pleased to partner with Azul in order to bring more choice and convenience to our customers traveling to and from Brazil .


  17. from there in the " 60s he made a pilgrimage to Mexico City to visit the Museo Frida Kahlo , located inside her birthplace at La Casa Azul .


  18. According to the Associated Press , rangers and tour guides spotted lava flowing down the northeastern flank of the Cerro Azul Volcano on the Island of Isabela late on Wednesday .


  19. A singular dwelling built by Kahlo 's father in what were then the outskirts of Mexico City , Casa Azul became the anchor of Kahlo 's and Rivera 's married lives .


  20. The deal comes just three months after Azul pulled plans for an initial public offering . The airline - created by JetBlue founder David Neeleman - did not give a reason for the cancellation , but deteriorating market conditions most likely played a role .


  21. For this surprising exhibition , the Tony Award-winning stage designer Scott Pask traveled to Mexico City to immerse himself in the world of Kahlo and Rivera , returning to recreate in the leafy Bronx the grounds of their home , La Casa Azul .


  22. Although some Brazilian companies - such as meat processor JBS - have benefitted from the sharp depreciation in the real , Azul , like other Brazilian carriers , are being hit by a double whammy of higher fuel costs ( which are priced in dollars ) and weaker domestic demand .
