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美 ['ɔ:θəraɪz]英 ['ɔ:θəraɪz]
  • v.授权;批准



  • 1
    → see:authorize


grant authorization or clearance for
Clear the manuscript for publication
The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography
Synonym: authorize pass clear
give or delegate power or authority to
She authorized her assistant to sign the papers
Synonym: empower authorize


  1. To authorise a cheque to be paid .


  2. Hence trade pacts should also authorise countervailing currency intervention , through which it could offset the manipulators ' purchases of its currency by buying equal amounts of theirs .


  3. He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force .


  4. NASA didn 't authorise Selvig to go to test phase .


  5. Do you want to authorise another person to act and receive communication about this application on your behalf ?


  6. Although he 's talking about a substantial order , he wants better terms than I can authorise .


  7. I authorise Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited to charge the premium due to my credit card account .


  8. After application , an applicant may authorise a representative to collect the new identity card on his behalf .


  9. The policy shift is also taking place as pressure builds on the Cuban government to authorise unlimited internet access .


  10. Moreover , afterwards they did not affirm it , let alone authorise its validity , Mr Chen said .


  11. Two days later , he called me and said the Shah would personally authorise whatever it took to complete the reactor .


  12. I hereby authorise ING General Insurance International to charge my above credit card account for the premium of this insurance .


  13. The bill would authorise new resources for the CFTC , including 100 new employees , and close the " London loophole " .


  14. Patent law gives an inventor the sole and exclusive right to exploit and to authorise another to exploit an invention .


  15. To authorise a payment they look into the camera and must verify they are not just holding up a photo of someone else .


  16. Nor does it authorise boarding ships on the high seas ; China feared this would enable America to throw its weight about too much .


  17. That procedure was used to authorise several GM foods for sale in the EU ( Levidow & Murphy , 2002 ) .


  18. The ESB trusts the requesting application to authenticate and authorise end users and service providers regard the ESB as an authenticated and authorised user .


  19. I should wish to see them very good friends , and would , on no account , authorise in my girls the smallest degree of arrogance towards their relation ;


  20. Western companies have been tempted by strong sales of their older medicines , as well as a willingness by the Chinese authorities to authorise western prices for innovative drugs .


  21. A deadline set by the court ordering her to authorise the demolition ran out on Thursday , and it was not clear what steps the authorities would take next .


  22. Analysts say Barack Obama would face steeper odds persuading Congress to authorise more money to recapitalise the banking sector if Mr Geithner was the one making the request .


  23. I have not authorised it & and I will not authorise it .


  24. If it is , and the nation does nothing to remedy the resulting imbalance , the baton should be passed to the WTO , which could authorise trade penalties .


  25. Fiscal tensions have fallen sharply along with the declining deficit but , even after agreeing on a budget , Congress still risks default if it does not authorise new borrowing soon .


  26. However , the company has told media that all of its customers so far have asked for safeguards to be embedded in the robot that requires human operators to authorise any lethal shooting .


  27. The rest is fine ... so if you could get those to me in the next week , then once our legal people have checked everything out , I 'll be able to authorise the loan .


  28. Congress was unwilling to give the Treasury the resources it needed to support the markets , or to authorise on anything like the required scale the transfer of risk from troubled financial institutions to us taxpayers .


  29. At the first Congressional hearing on the plan to authorise the administration to buy banks ' toxic assets , Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , warned that global markets remained under extraordinary stress .


  30. In light of domestic and foreign expectations for Japan to contribute internationally and assume a greater role in its own security , the country has enacted measures that authorise it to deal more directly with regional contingencies .
