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  • 网络至于;思拓;关于
  1. Asto why Google lost its usual No.1 spot , Fortune says nothing bad about the Mountain View , Calif. - based Internet concern-except that it hascut frills like afternoon tea and an annual ski trip .


  2. Establish legal consciousness under market economy , So asto prosper socialism health enterprise


  3. Asto cross-ownership , Corporate Law did not make any provision .


  4. Firstly , teachers should make plans of extracurricular reading so asto achieve clear and specific reading goals .


  5. So far , asto the general duty to rescue it has formed two distinct instance of legislation worldwide .


  6. This can greatly reduce the amount of encoded data , so asto achieve the purpose of reducing the coding rate .


  7. An experiment has been carried out on the working of the cerebrum so asto find a method for the development of intelligence .


  8. Consequently , we can optimize the teaching quality into a full play so asto train compound music stuff of the 21st century .


  9. The primary purpose of corruption crime is to seize illegal profit so asto satisfy personal undesirable extended selfish desire .


  10. Through the above method and know the general allowance system , so asto reduce the risk , make the product to be able to quickly put into market .


  11. Appellate procedure is set in every country 's judicial procedure so asto correct the wrong judgment and to unify the applied function of national laws .


  12. But in recent years , the excessive investment to fishery subsidy was considered asto cause the decline of global fishery resources and fishery economic benefits .


  13. In the last word , this article made a certain reflection , so asto offer some helps for future research on foreign and national political party softpower construction .


  14. Asto enterprises , technological renovation should be emphasized so as to breed famous brands , and culture construction should be reinforced to forge the enterprise image .


  15. During the historical period when man 's freedom needs development community ethic should develop along the direction of quasi-ethic and individual ethic so asto play its regulative role well .


  16. Asto this , some countries standardize it as part of national transportation law , some adjust it as administration stipulates , but most countries solve it as the contract of the general civil law .


  17. Therefore , the elimination of the excess of reactive oxygen free radicals inorganism will be able to enhance its ability to resist external adverse environment , so asto improve their immunity .


  18. As a capital , data , and information-intensive industry , insurance companies have to acquire and share information simultaneously with banks so asto ensure the safety , accuracy , real time , and integration of the data .


  19. In point of fact , topreserve the ruling party status , the CPSU had to preserve the reproduction of its legal resources so asto keep obtaining legality of its ruling party status .
