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  1. ASRM is suitable for wide-area , limited scale , reliable multicast applications .


  2. I met with an ASRM affiliated doctor who received his training at Stanford University .


  3. Babies conceived using IVF made up 1.5 % of all births in 2012 , according to the ASRM .


  4. The declaration sparked heated debate at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine ( ASRM ) annual meeting in Washington DC yesterday .


  5. The ASRM 's decision to lift the " experimental " label from this still young procedure in 2012 only applied to medically indicated need , such as women with cancer .


  6. First , most people don 't realize the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the ASRM do not endorse the use of egg freezing to defer childbearing .


  7. For a 38-year-old woman , the chance of one frozen egg leading to a live birth is only 2 % to 12 % , according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine ( ASRM ) .


  8. ASRM uses a hybrid way that combines unicast delivery with multicast delivery instead of using global IP multicast as the basis . ASRM provides a simpler and more natural way to name and locate the sessions .


  9. Dr. Silber 's research , presented at the October ASRM meeting , found it was more effective , with a higher pregnancy rate per egg , and less expensive than traditional IVF for women 40 and older and for women with low ovarian reserve .


  10. Objective : In2003May Holland conference in Rotterdam , European Association of human reproduction . ESHRE ) and the American Society for reproductive medicine ( ASRM ) reach a consensus , put forward PCOS new diagnostic criteria of ESHRE / ASRM diagnosis standard .
