- n.僭越;冒称(权利等),僭称,僭取,侵占

Therefore , mutual arrogation of Theory-thinking and Engineering-thinking is hard to avoid between instruction theory and teaching practice .
The secularization of the modern society is represented distinctively in the following two aspects : the downfall of the political ideology and the arrogation of the money ideology .
Land , in the process of uncontrolled development and the arrogation of technical rationality , has already been far away from the beautiful picture of The Harmony between Human and the Earth .
The crime by takingadvantage of duty includes illegal arrogation to oneself , use ( embezzlement , misappropriation and abuse ) and so on .
Ethics logic of the killing of the whole family and enlarged revenge & The arrogation of the ethics related to equity of revenge and the law in the revenge literature theme
In the late of the Weijin era , the arrogation of the revenge logic to the law became more and more prominence in the revenge literature theme .
It is obvious to lack logic bases , violate the principle of legal equality , infringe judicial power , and cause to form prerogative estate , so it is an arrogation to law .
The rapid development of the Spring and Autumn productivity , greatly improving production technology , product greatly enriched , to provide a space for people in the choice of clothing material , color and accessories , phenomenon also led costumes Arrogation abuse .