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  • 网络阿海珐
  1. Areva has already built and serviced many power plants in china , including nuclear facilities .


  2. CGNPC is also state-owned and is building new reactors with AREVA in southern China .


  3. Officials at Areva say they hope to continue working with the company .


  4. Instead , Areva executives say they would like to obtain the government green light to raise cash through a rights issue .


  5. Areva is the world 's only one-stop nuclear shop , selling everything from uranium to fuel recycling .


  6. Rivals Areva SA and Vestas A / S already offer 8 MW units .


  7. It 's unclear what role would be left for Siemens should Areva be partially privatized or split up .


  8. In the longer term , Areva may also co-operate with China on the building of a used-fuel reprocessing plant , these people said .


  9. I am the president of AREVA .


  10. Under a separate contract , Areva is expected to supply uranium for other , less powerful reactors that CGNPC plans to build .


  11. But the French government this summer said it planned to review the existing structure of Areva & including possibly breaking it up and selling off the parts .


  12. Before Fukushima , Areva 's managers went on a hiring binge , expecting rapid growth in sales to rich and emerging markets alike .


  13. To this end , presidents of Electricite de France and the French power company Areva Group will also visit with Francois Fillon .


  14. On December 12th Areva , France 's state-owned nuclear champion , said it would take a € 2.4 billion ( $ 3.1 billion ) charge against profits .


  15. The tussle between Areva and the French government is part of a larger debate over how the world 's nuclear industry plans to handle renewed demand for nuclear energy .


  16. Co-written by Anne Lauvergeon , chief of executive of Areva , the French nuclear group , it backed a big increase in atomic energy .


  17. Areva is keen to retain its one-stop-shop structure , arguing that customers such as China 's CGNPC see advantages in buying fuel and reactors from one company .


  18. Japan 's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. , which has industrial partnerships with Areva , has said it would be interested in Areva shares if they were made available .


  19. In Europe , Areva 's most profitable market , people are newly nervous about nuclear power . Germany , Switzerland and Belgium have all opted to abandon it .


  20. Shares in Bouygues also rose yesterday on speculation of some sort of politically inspired deal between the property and media conglomerate , Engineer ALSTOM and nuclear power group Areva .


  21. Remember when he refused a request by Siemens to take a stake in Areva , the French nuclear group , simply because Germany had imposed a moratorium on nuclear power .


  22. Selling a stake of Areva on the market would also provide the government with an indication of the real value of the company , which analysts say may not be as high as25 billion euros .


  23. The companies are contractually prohibited from exporting the most modern reactors being built in China because foreign companies such as Westinghouse and Areva own the copyrights for those reactor designs .


  24. Westinghouse was bought by Toshiba ; the French company Areva dominates in Europe and is now in joint projects in the U.S. , one company supplies it with a third of its electric power .


  25. The chief executives of PepsiCo , Anglo American , Temasek , Kraft Foods , WellPoint , and Areva all remain in the Forbes top10 .


  26. Siemens AG , the German conglomerate , transferred its nuclear assets to the newly created Areva in exchange for a34 % interest in Areva NP , the group 's reactor-making arm .


  27. Luc oursel , chief executive of Areva , said earlier this month that RWE and eon were expected to make a decision on a successful bidder " probably by the end of the year " .


  28. The audit body is planning to examine a proposed 2011 deal between EDF and CGNPC to share nuclear expertise , which was blocked by the French prime minister because it excluded Areva , the French reactor maker .


  29. Finland and France , which produces more of its electricity in nuclear plants than any other big country , each have under construction a plant of the European pressurised reactor ( EPR ) design developed by Areva , a French industrial group .
