
美 [æp]英 [æp]
  • n.(计算机)应用程序


  1. PayPal , for instance , is testing an app that lets you use your mobile phone to pay on the fly at local merchants — without surrendering any card information to them .


  2. Opening the App near a supermarket provides immediate information on special offers .


  3. Having to install a different app for each smart appliance in your home is annoying .


  4. Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it 's up to us to take steps ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs , not the needs of the app makers ' .


  5. According to Adam Marchick , CEO of mobile marketing company Kahuna , less than 15 percent of smartphone users ever bother to adjust their notification settlings -- meaning the remaining 85 percent of us default to the app makers ' every preset trigger .


  6. So he took out his mobile phone , opened a special app , and searched the problem .


  7. She needs an app that can make it easier for her to buy train or airline tickets .


  8. But he has just had an eye operation and needs some app that can store the books and read them aloud to him .


  9. The government organized a research team and provided an App that collects data on almost everything : light , temperature , and the movements of cars and people .


  10. It was her first time to visit the Chinese city , and she said that it was also her first time to use the app 's online payment function to pay for the ride .


  11. She is so busy that she seldom has time to take care of her 2-year-old son , so she needs an app for him to learn to speak and count .


  12. When he checked the online wallet of his Wechat app , he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a 65-yuan pay .


  13. The tech company is launching a standalone fitness app this winter .


  14. Gill Holling showed me how to source the free water on a mobile phone app .


  15. Users can also use the app to find drinking fountains , or places to shelter from the sun .


  16. The app will know when you are leaving a client meeting and send a taxi to meet you .


  17. This means people could order a taxi to collect dry cleaning , for example , or deliver medicine using a single app .


  18. In fact , the motivation for creating the app was to create a service that provided more privacy than other social networks .


  19. Our new mobile app has secured £ 1000 in seed money and if everything goes well , it will be ready to launch next spring .


  20. Sign up for a class , download an app or reach out to someone in your industry and pick up a few new skills this summer .


  21. Tencent Holdings ' messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers .


  22. This all-singing , all-dancing app lets you add filters1 , stickers and text to your photos .


  23. Snubs are users of snapchat , a mobile app that allows users to capture videos and pictures that self-destruct after a few seconds .


  24. Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as " ghost drivers , " The Paper reported Sunday .


  25. Users can choose the most direct route , a shady route that may take a little longer , or they can set the app to " vampire mode " , which avoids direct sunlight at all costs .


  26. Huawei recently unveiled a phone that can be used to weigh small objects thanks to its pressure-sensitive screen , and now an app promises to add the same feature to the iPhone 6s .


  27. Aza Raskin invented the endless scroll5 – the app feature that means you don 't have to click to get to the next page and can keep scrolling6 for far longer than maybe necessary or healthy .


  28. Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched " mini apps " on Monday , which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat , without having to download and install them .


  29. The app uses a tool called Lidar to create high-resolution models of ground elevation , accurate to within 10cm . This information is combined with data on the sun 's path to work out where is in shade at any given time of day .


  30. If you have family members who love to investigate , have them download the Global Earth Challenge app and collect data about the air quality and plastic pollution in your community . This is an ideal way to teach yourself and others about actions you can take locally to help lessen the stress on the planet .
