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  • 网络阿莫西林;美洲移动;安玛思;天草航空
  1. Conclusion This study suggests that AMX / SBT is an effective and safe drug for treating acute bacterial infections .


  2. A Reality of Radar Real-time Control System Supported by AMX OS


  3. The computation and research in the evolution of AMX system under RF irradiation


  4. Theoretical calculation for AMX spin system with density operators is given and coincides with the results of experiments .


  5. In this paper , the system structrure , main fuction and warking principle of the computer control system for large-scale electric arc furnace . The system software AMX and control algorithm are also discussed deeply .


  6. The two HPLC analytical methods possessed good specificity , high recovery rate , repetitiveness and precision respectively , it could offer the detection approach for residue monitoring of AMX – LH-NE in milk .


  7. By using these experimental results and published individual ionic activity coefficient data in electrolyte solution , the following linear relations were summarized : where aMX ( 0 ) and aMX2 ( 0 ) approximate to constants .


  8. The the success ratio and induction period between the two groups was compared to analyze the propensity of acquired resistance to LEV and AMX when fixed the induction multiple ( induced MIC / basic MIC ) .


  9. It is analyzed by this paper that RT / MT & OS used in PC / AT BUS based on CIMS , included AMX , RTX ( PAX ) . Conduct / RT and VRTX .


  10. The principle of petroleum extraction pump dynamic simulate test system is introduced , the measure and control targets of the test system are given , at last we divide the targets to the tasks and realize the measure and control software system by using AMX real time multitask system .


  11. The two analytical methods of high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) which established in this research possessed good specificity , high recovery rate , repetitiveness and precision . It could offer a method of content determination for the preparation and stability investigation of AMX – LH-NE . 2 .


  12. ESBL determines that a distance of 15 mm between CRO ( or CAZ ) and AMX / CA is the most satisfactory while more than two third generation of cephalosporins can also be chosen as a substance to raise the rate of positive strains .
