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  • 网络美国注册会计师协会;注册会计师协会;美国会计师协会
  1. In this way , the power of AICPA has been slackened greatly .


  2. In 1998 , AICPA industry expertise as the impact of CPA will be the future development of five key factors .


  3. The AICPA sought their views on the qualities they believed were essential in a forensic accountant .


  4. This chapter begins in the AICPA accounting firm strength evaluation method to evaluate brand index for this article accounting firm to establish a theory pave the way .


  5. Review and Useful Lessons & a brief Review on the Financial Accounting Concepts by AICPA at the ( 1961 - 1973 ) of CF


  6. The change of management system of AICPA has exerted a great influence on the management system of CPA 's institute of the other countries all over the world too .


  7. The article points out that " Webtrust Principles and Criteria " established by AICPA consists of criteria of CPA craft and is characteristic of globalization .


  8. " The CPA is the ideal professional to conduct forensic accounting ," said AICPA chairman Robert Harris , who holds the institute 's Certified in Financial Forensics specialty credential .


  9. The key point of solving the conflict between flexibility and certainty is how to regulate the discretion of the courts , SEC , FASB and AICPA to interpret materiality .


  10. The AICPA created APB issued opinion as GAAP , in addition , It appointed a independent Accounting Research Division ( ARD ) to study basic postulates and broad principles . ARD quickly completed its mission .


  11. Based on the trade-off of social benefit V. cost and through AICPA 's lengthy lobby , the USA has become loosen in CPA 's legislation system in recent years , and the liability of CPAs has been restrained .
