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美 [ˈeɪdʒɪzəm]英 [ˈeɪdʒɪzəm]
  • n.年龄歧视;对老年人的歧视

派生词: ageist adj.;ageist n.



unfair treatment of people because they are considered too old

also NAmE also agism



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 对老年人的歧视;年龄歧视
    Ageism is unacceptable behaviour that occurs as a result of the belief that older people are of less value than younger people.


discrimination against middle-aged and elderly people
Synonym: agism


  1. The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized .


  2. You 're always talking in isms ─ sexism , ageism , racism .


  3. Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions .


  4. The analysis found that people in the south-east of England were more likely to have experienced ageism .


  5. To the women , it feels like sexism and ageism in a single shot .


  6. So , the first study we ran was about ageism and we took college age students and they walked up to a virtual mirror .


  7. HIV stigma within gay communities is expressed through social exclusion , ageism , rejection , violence , and discrimination based on physical appearance .


  8. An updated wardrobe , newer hairstyle , or current cultural references could hedge against ageism , or they could make you look silly .


  9. A 49-year-old underwear model has accused the fashion industry of ageism as she says she can no longer get any work because she looks too young .


  10. Laurie McCann , a senior attorney with AARP , which advocates for older people 's rights in the US , says ageism in the tech industry is a " very big problem . "


  11. Finally , the author proposes that the government build the whole pension system , the third organization increase the aid efforts , and the community eliminate ageism in order to protect the rights of the elderly left behind in rural areas .


  12. Dr Sarah Jackson , the lead author of both studies , said that people may believe that weight discrimination is socially acceptable because unlike ageism , sexism and racism , it is not covered by law 。


  13. Dr Sarah Jackson , the lead author of both studies , said that people may believe that weight discrimination is socially acceptable because unlike ageism , sexism and racism , it is not covered by law .


  14. The Korean Times has reported that some of British TV 's most familiar female faces have dared to bare to prove that no matter how old they are , they should not be subjected to ageism .


  15. Ashton Applewhite , author of " This Chair Rocks : a Manifesto Against Ageism , " says one of the reasons few age discrimination lawsuits are brought is people are reluctant to identify themselves as older .


  16. A new survey compiled for the University of Kent and the charity Age Concern showed ageism was rife in Britain where people , on average , see youth as ending at49 and old age beginning at65 .


  17. When faced with sexism , or ageism , or lookism , or even really aggressive Buddhism , ask yourself the following question : ' Is this person in between me and what I want to do ?'


  18. Indeed , he or she offers you the kind of adoration ( and endless cuddles ) that more than makes up for the ageism of grown-ups - and , what 's more , gives you the strength to blow raspberries back at them .
