
McGinty helped ABCNEWS put together an experiment to test just how willing women are to date shorter men .
ABCNEWS gave elementary school students a test , asking them to match a small , medium , or large figure of a man with a series of words .
The IRS admits to ABCNEWS it backed off way too far on enforcement , but says it is trying harder now .
ABCNEWS sources say that there was a quick radio transmission sent by the plane saying that the plane was badly damaged , no one was hurt and that it had to land .
The United States is launching a campaign , code-named Imminent Horizon , to disrupt and rattle Iraqi intelligence agents around the world , intelligence sources told ABCNEWS .
ABCNEWS gave elementary school students a test , asking them to match a small , medium , or large figure of a man with a series of words . The kids overwhelmingly linked the tall figure to the words strong , handsome , and smart . The linked the short figure to the words sad , scared and weak .