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  • 网络美国科学促进会;美国科学发展协会
  1. He told the AAAS meeting in Washington , DC , about his work studying the expression of genes in lonely people .


  2. David Baltimore , Nobel laureate and last year 's AAAS president , discusses what it takes to develop good scientific institutions .


  3. The adaptive architecture AAAS is proposed , based on application-aware adaptation mode and control theory .


  4. AAAS will continue to support the interests of scientists and patients in fostering medical progress .


  5. Having AAAS there to help guide the process and make those connections is invaluable .


  6. We spoke at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February 20th .


  7. And research presented to the AAAS meeting in San Diego suggests it may be right to do so .


  8. Approximately 200,000 people in the United States are diagnosed to have AAAs and 15,000 Americans succumb every year .


  9. AAAS will ensure that all participants meet the required eligibility criteria , including three references to establish their credentials .


  10. AAAS is flexible . The adaptive part is independent on specific OS , and has the capability to support extended resource types .


  11. Veteran attendees of AAAS conferences said they had never before felt such an atmosphere of anxiety .


  12. Wu , a reporter for China Daily , will attend the AAAS annual meeting in San Francisco next month .


  13. Peter Zimmerman from Case Western Reserve University school of medicine spoke at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February 19th .


  14. He spoke at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February20th .


  15. The scientific community at this year 's American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ) annual meeting expressed fears about the new administration .


  16. He is among the recipients of the2002 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize .


  17. And believe it or not , Moody 's and Fitch still have them as AAAs .


  18. Stabilization of aortic elastin in aneurysm-prone arterial segments offers great potential toward the development of safe and effective therapies for AAAs .


  19. Now it is controversial whether satins can prevent the expansion and rupture of human abdominal aortic aneurysms ( AAAs ) .


  20. A former environmental and science writer for Newsday , his articles on cancer epidemiology won the AAAS Science Journalism Award in2003 .


  21. Most abdominal aortic aneurysms ( AAAs ) develop slowly over years and have no signs or symptoms until ( or if ) they rupture .


  22. There was a significant difference of the expression of MMP-9 in the arterial wall between the AAAs and AODs ( P < 0.01 ) .


  23. Rymer chairs the advisory committee for an American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ) pilot project that offers independent science experts to judges .


  24. The AAAS project is one approach to the problem the high court tackled in Daubert : How can judges evaluate technical data that are intimidating to most non scientists ?


  25. As2007 president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), he started advising the governments of India and Rwanda on science projects .


  26. At the AAAS she described her search for the genes controlling three of the most important features of a breed : its size , its hair and the length of its legs .


  27. So said John Sulston at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February 20th . He won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2002 .


  28. To serve as a mechanism for AAAS and CAST to conduct joint activities on ethics in science , and to make recommendations on possible actions that could be taken individually or collectively .


  29. Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden and current president of the AAAS , Raven was secretary of the National Academy when Dresselhaus was treasurer .


  30. In2007 , when Dr Holdren was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ( AAAS ), he argued publicly for swift action on climate change .
