a critical moment

美 [ə ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈmoʊmənt]英 [ə ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈməʊmənt]
  • 关键时刻
a critical momenta critical moment
  1. This was a critical moment in his career .


  2. So China 's 2060 carbon neutrality pledge came at a critical moment .


  3. These days , the microelectronics technology is in a critical moment .


  4. The reform in China will enter a critical moment in the coming five years .


  5. At such a critical moment in his career .


  6. This is a critical moment .


  7. That is a critical moment .


  8. It is a critical moment to enhance competitiveness of tourism emergently .


  9. Conclusion It is a critical moment to control and prevent HIV / AIDS in Meizhou city .


  10. We stand at a critical moment in Earth 's history , a time when humanity must choose its future .


  11. a critical moment in our country 's history One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition .


  12. It was a critical moment in American history and global history where one felt they didn 't have access to accurate information .


  13. Attack positions , mainly through the cover with the launch , in particular , is a critical moment .


  14. At such a critical moment this year , there is both a test and an opportunity for China-Japan relationship .


  15. You can be shut out of a critical moment that the case lacks emotional resonance without , he said .


  16. It was a critical moment for Obama Sr.


  17. Analysts say it could be a critical moment for the Chinese industry , which has less than 30 per cent of the local market .


  18. Late 19th early 20th century , changing Chinese society , the Chinese nation is at a critical moment in the life and death .


  19. Many on both sides of the Atlantic have recognized that NATO nations are at a critical moment , he said .


  20. Its next meeting , on March 17 and 18 , will be a critical moment in terms of its signalling strategy .


  21. President Bush says this is a critical moment for a U.S. economy that is depending on decisive action from the federal government .


  22. The offhand decision of some commonplace mind high in office at a critical moment influences the course of events for a hundred years .


  23. Furthermore , the choice of the mobile communications standards is at a critical moment , which may influence the choice of the 3G mobile communications technology .


  24. I want to thank the President of Samoa for his remarks and the reminder that we meet at a critical moment .


  25. Because he had strong faith in Buddhism , he invoked the holy name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva at such a critical moment .


  26. China 's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu said the Iranian nuclear issue had reached a critical moment , but indicated China would not support a new round of sanctions .


  27. By theoretical researches , with a critical moment is presented at which the peak pressures of direct waves in shallow layer water begin to lower in comparison that in infinite water space .


  28. Today , this first tobacco treaty is at a critical moment in its evolution , where action is required to ensure its status as a living document with a long lifespan .


  29. But the dawn of time was a critical moment in the birth of the universe because pure energy also produced one of the most dangerous things in the universe , anti-matter .


  30. A critical moment in her evolution as an international policymaker came after her father died when she was 17 , prompting her to go to the US on an exchange programme .
