Zhang Guoqing

  • 网络张国庆;张国清
Zhang GuoqingZhang Guoqing
  1. However , according to the present findings in our country , there is no unified conclusion on this research field . Zhang Guoqing ( 2007 ) found that in our current context internal control did not significantly improve earnings quality .


  2. First of all , based on the classification methods of environmental information by Xiao Hua and Zhang Guoqing ( 2008 ), combined with the status quo of environmental information disclosure of Chinese listed companies , the author built the system of environmental information disclosure items .


  3. Speakers included Mr Andrew leung , Mr Zhang guoqing , Policy Research Office of the State Ministry of commerce ; ms Feng Xiaoyun of the Institute of economics , the University of jinan ; and Mr Edward Leung of the Greater PRD business council .
