Zhang Boling

  • 网络张伯苓
Zhang BolingZhang Boling
  1. Zhang Boling 's Educational Thought of Modern Capabilities and the Contemporary Implications


  2. " Knowing China and Serving China ": Zhang Boling and the Unique Characteristic of Nankai University


  3. The Double Concerto of the Patriotic Salvation : Zhang Boling 's Moral Thought


  4. Patriotic educator and the founder of Nankai university Zhang boling died .


  5. Zhang Boling was the creator of Nankai University .


  6. Nankai University was founded in 1919 by the famous patriotic educators inChinese Modern History , Mr. Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Xiu .


  7. Zhang Boling , our modern well-known patriotic educator and founder of Nankai series of schools , is a successful example of private education in modern country . He was attracted to sports and also proficient in sports .


  8. According the clue of persons , the second part traces the contacts and friendships between Kilpatrick and his Chinese disciples , including Zhang Boling , Tao Xinzhi and Zhu Qixian , reflecting his friendly feelings to Chinese people .
