Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights
  1. ' Wuthering Heights ' is a central book in the canon of English literature .


  2. 4,000 copies of Wuthering Heights went in two days . That 's not bad going for a book that has been on the market for 145 years .


  3. Wuthering Heights ; Appraisal Theory ; Affect system ; Affect classification ;


  4. Discussion on the description of main characters in Wuthering Heights


  5. A Tentative Approach to the Use of Dramatic Structure in Wuthering Heights


  6. A New Analysis of the Image of Catherine in " The Wuthering Heights "


  7. The Literature Style and Political Significance of Wuthering Heights


  8. What do you think of his going to Wuthering Heights ?


  9. There are different opinions about the theme of Wuthering Heights .


  10. Probe into Another Main Theme of Wuthering Heights : Love Journey in Misery


  11. The famous novel Wuthering Heights has its special enchantment in world literature .


  12. Wuthering Heights is considered to be a masterpiece in English literature .


  13. On the Translation of Appraisal Elements on Joseph in Wuthering Heights


  14. As time passed by her novel Wuthering Heights has gained more and more attention .


  15. Wuthering Heights : a book about people 's desire to duplicate themselves


  16. Gone With Wind and Wuthering Heights rank among your favorites .


  17. This thesis is divided into six parts . The first part introduces the various studies on Wuthering Heights .


  18. It is hoped that this thesis will provide a new angle to further study on Wuthering Heights .


  19. A English-Chinese Translation Model of Idioms Based on Prototype Theory Application of Archetype in Wuthering Heights


  20. There is no exception to Chinese translations of Wuthering Heights .


  21. I 've seen Wuthering Heights ten times . I 'm a romantic .


  22. A Contrastive Study between ST and TT of Wuthering Heights from Linguistic Perspective


  23. I thought I was lying in my chamber at Wuthering Heights .


  24. Wuthering Heights is an old favourite with the japanese .


  25. Analysis of One Aspect of Human Nature-Selfishness & A New Exploration of the Theme of Wuthering Heights


  26. The thesis is titled " On the Formation and Expression Characteristics in Wuthering Heights " .


  27. An Analysis of the Tenor of Discourse in Wuthering Heights


  28. Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr heathcliff 's dwelling .


  29. Wuthering Heights is a masterpiece in English literature .


  30. Emily Bront 's famous novel Wuthering Heights is undoubtedly a great success .
