Wuping County

  • 网络武平县
Wuping CountyWuping County
  1. Analysis of data of Gynecological surveys in the last ten years in Wuping County , Western Fujian Province


  2. On the basis of fieldwork and historical records , the author , taking the example of the villages in northern Wuping County , western Fujian Province , attempts to do a deep study on the forms , proceedings and background of the dispute management in traditional Hakka villages .


  3. The Dispute Management in Traditional Hakka Villages : A Fieldwork in the Villages of Northern Wuping County , Western Fujian


  4. The Imperial Civil Examination and Traditional Rural Society of the Hakka : An Example of the Villages in North of Wuping County , Fujian


  5. In Wuping County , Fujian Province , R-Scale analysis on the spatial pattern and developing dynamics of Castanopsis carlesii population showed that the population displayed clumped distribution and the clumped intensity declined with increasing of tree class .
