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  1. The Vito vehicles are not London taxis . They are vans with yellow lighted taxi signs jammed on their roofs .


  2. The Vito vehicles are not London taxis . They are vans with yellow lighted " taxi " signs jammed on their roofs .


  3. On the Foundation of " Quality Vito " in Business


  4. Di Vito said the gap is closing in many areas where women are lagging .


  5. Vito twisted his son 's arm into staying in the family business .


  6. Vito Corleone : I hoped that we could come here and reason together .


  7. I thought I might be opposite San vito .


  8. Vito corleone : what time does my daughter leave ?


  9. These two are worse than Vito the Butcher .


  10. Nobody opens with a joke . I miss Danny De Vito .


  11. When he came face to face with " her ", he said it looked eerily similar to Vito .


  12. Peony and licorice decoction had inhibiting effect on the rabbit 's intestine in vito .


  13. Vito corleone : I said that I would see you , because I heard you were a serious man , to be treated with respect .


  14. Vito Mannone could quite easily be keeping goal in the Championship this season instead of performing heroics for Arsenal .


  15. It also reports the experiences of the Corleone family under the patriarch Vito Corleone ( Brando ) .


  16. He launched Genco Olive Oil , named after Vito Corleone 's front company in " The Godfather . "


  17. Secondly , internal environment analysis , combing the Vito juice company resource , capability and core competitiveness , combined with SWOT tool for analysis , studied the enterprise development strategy .


  18. Objective : To study the immunoisolation effects of alginate - polylysine - alginate ( APA ) - microcapsules in vito .


  19. Studies on the correlation between the in vito and the in vivo assays of the effective antrycide dose for treatment of Trypanosoma evansi


  20. Astronomy apps star walk and solar walk , both created by Vito technology , have been featured in multiple Apple advertisements , including the iPad 3 presentation .


  21. The father of the bride , Don Vito Corleone , never forgot his old friends and neighbors though he himself now lived in a huge house on Long Island .


  22. Mafia boss Vito Corleone , as played by Marlon Brando in The Godfather , has been named the greatest movie character of all time by US film critics .


  23. We can still say women earn less than men over their entire career * but they do make around 80 percent of the decisions around spending , said Tina Di Vito , head of BMO 's retirement division .


  24. BYD follows Nissan and Metrocab - part of the Frazer-Nash group - which plan to sell taxis in London , and Mercedes-Benz , whose Vito people carriers are already ploughing through the capital as licensed taxis .


  25. Conclusion : II - DH - TXB2 possesses the character of biological stableness and FCM is specific for determining platelet GMP - 140 . So these tests can precisely reflect the degree of platelet activity in vito .


  26. Now on this great day , his daughter 's wedding day , Don Vito Corleone stood in the doorway of his Long Beach home to greet his guests , all of them known , all of them trusted .


  27. These results suggested that the active peptides can be released from casein and formula milk treated appropriately by enzymes , and enzyme treated casein as well as enzyme-treated formula milk can stimulate epithelium proliferation and the development of epithelium function in vito .


  28. Squalene is widely distributed in animals , plants and microorganisms , which has many functions of biology e.g. antioxidant , anti-radiation and participating in cholesterol metabolism and can also improve the utilization of oxygen and detoxicate multiple fat-soluble toxins in vito .


  29. METHODS : Using RT-PCR , we examined the survivin-mRNA in gastric cancer cell line SGC-790 in vitro and in vito , and studied the change of survivin protein expressing in gastric cancer tissues from pre-chemotherapy to post-chemotherapy by means of Western-blot .


  30. Moreenjoyable is Mowgli 's skirmish with King Louie ( Christopher Walken ) , amountainous ape who is depicted as a cross between two Marlon Brandocharacters , Vito Corleone and Colonel Kurtz .
