
  • 网络内观;毗婆舍那
  1. Your Vipassana master won 't even give you a mantra ;


  2. I don 't think Vipassana is necessarily the path for me .


  3. The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing .


  4. Realization at these two levels is called Right Understanding ( Sammaditthi ) in the course of Vipassana meditation .


  5. Are you confident that the student understands the practice of Vipassana sufficiently well enough to be successful on the course ?


  6. I 'd recently met a woman at the Ashram who 'd been studying Vipassana meditation .


  7. Vipassana meditator should nurture awareness and equality mind as well so as to make an improvement in practicing meditation .


  8. One is known as vipassana and the other is anapanasati , 'contemplation ' .


  9. Is your spouse a Vipassana meditator in this tradition ?


  10. Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .


  11. You want to know more about this , go and see this film ," Doing Time Doing Vipassana . " You will hear about it , and you will love it .


  12. The Northern Insight Meditation Centerwelcomes all who are willing to learn the Vipassana Meditation Practice fordeveloping the mind .


  13. An introductory Vipassana course lasts for ten days , during which time you sit for ten hours a day in stretches of silence that last two to three hours at a time .


  14. Vipassana is such a remedy .


  15. The type of meditation , called Vipassana , is an ancient discipline from India and taught as a form of rigorous self-observation , leading to mental and emotional freedom .


  16. What is Vipassana Meditation ?


  17. Vipassana meditation teaches that grief and nuisance are inevitable in this life , but if you can plant yourself in stillness long enough , you will , in time , experience the truth that everything ( both uncomfortable and lovely ) does eventually pass .


  18. And after reading about Vipassana meditation in the library one afternoon , I got to thinking about how much time I spend in my life crashing around like a great gasping fish , either squirming away from some uncomfortable distress or flopping hun-grily toward ever more pleasure .


  19. There isn 't even any talk about " God " in Vipassana , since the notion of God is considered by some Buddhists to be the final object of dependency , the ultimate fuzzy security blanket , the last thing to be abandoned on the path to pure detachment .
