- abbr.沃;路旁车辆(Vehicle off Road);垂直全向无线电(Vertical Omnidirectional Radio);“伏尔”甚高频全向无线电信标

The Idea of VOR in China as View from Legal Culture
New Methods to Reform VOR into an Integrated System of Digital Communication and Direction - finding
Dynamic Simulation on VOR Navigation and Its Application
The Analysis of Terminal Aerospace VOR / DME Based Flight Procedures
Application of the Doppler effect in VOR navigation
Probe and Analysis of Boeing Aircraft VOR
This paper includes four parts : The first part : the practical use of the program of VOR and its necessity in our country .
The aircraft was equipped with dual nav receivers capable of receiving VOR and ILS signals .
Results : Both frequency and eccentric radius had significant effects on the VOR gain , it increased with the increase of frequencies and radius .
The result of digital simulation demonstrates that the integrated system presented has a much higher accuracy than that of the single Doppler navigator or VOR / DME etc.
Secondly , this thesis investigates the designing methods for VOR / DME-based area navigation flight procedure ( RNAV FP ) .
In order to conduct and emulate an experiment of test flight for VOR system , a VOR simulator that can provide dynamic VOR signals is presented .
Chapter four proposed the basic assumption of setting up the VOR system , including the basic principles , the application of range and object , procedures and effectiveness of the agreement , etc.
Hier bereiten sie einen Platz f ü r die Landung eines Rettungshubschraubers vor .
To take full advantage of the frequency bands and equipment of VOR , four reforming methods are proposed : ( a ) burst transmitting slow space-time modulation compatible to TDMA system ;
Victim-offender reconciliation ( VOR ) is an innovative new legal system at depenalization , protecting victim , the criminals ' returning to the society and so on .
Royals and dignitaries from around the world were at the Vor Frue Kirke cathedral for the ceremony .
Previous VOR receiver was implemented by analogy hardware , which accuracy and error are increasingly hard to meet precision requirements airplanes need and which flexibility and reliability are less than software receiver ' s.
The author introduced the academic background and social origins and the status quo . This part is divided into three areas : Firstly , the ideological foundation of VOR : the Penal Code individualism .
Viele Betroffene des Grubenungl ü cks werfen der t ü rkischen Regierung Gleichg ü ltigkeit vor .
Impacted by satellite navigation , VHF omnidirectional radio range ( VOR ), being a necessary navigation facility , will have litter and litter important role in future navigation system and may be turned off .
According to the simulation and test results , we can see : the experimental results of the instrumental landing system and VOR navigation receiver are consistent with the theoretical analysis , and the design accuracy meets the system performance requirements .
Kurz vor dem Fund hatten noch Tausende Israelis in Tel Aviv f ü r die Freilassung der Sch ü ler demonstriert .
Am 16 . April sterben bei einem Schiffsungl ü ck vor der s ü dkoreanischen K ü ste mindestens 295 Menschen .
The relationship between the fundamental principles of criminal law and VOR is a necessary theory to perfecting VOR , in view of this great value , this article is meant to thorough investigation from the angle of theoretical research .
In der Normandie wird am 5 . Juni der Landung der Alliierten vor 70 Jahren gedacht .
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The " flight simulation " studied here aims at the special requirements of teaching on flight technology . It seizes the keystone and difficulty in flight theory teaching and flight training . The author designed a instrument navigation principle simulation software based on NDB / VOR .
Chapter IV and Chapter V , the author respectively introduced the status of the " VOR " at home and abroad , analyzed the characteristics of the " VOR " in foreign countries and pointed out the shortcomings of the " VOR " in China .
Der Monarch hatte fast 40 Jahre lang an der Spitze Spaniens gestanden und vor allem den ü bergang seines Landes von der Franco-Diktatur zur Demokratie gepr ä gt .