The Big Dipper

美 [ðə bɪɡ ˈdɪpər]英 [ðə bɪɡ ˈdɪpə(r)]
  • 网络北斗七星
The Big DipperThe Big Dipper
  1. The Big Dipper is not by itself a constellation .


  2. One step at a time , business integrity is a business growth of the Big Dipper .


  3. The big dipper can give you a sense of direction when you are lose


  4. A Comparative Study of Mongolian Myths about the Big Dipper


  5. See if you can find the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper .


  6. " Never again !" I gasped as I got off the big dipper .


  7. Stars of the Big Dipper , upper left , wheeling through the December sky , show as streaks in this ten-minute exposure .


  8. In the north , the big dipper is sinking behind a hill .


  9. You can figure out the position of the Big Dipper on this star chart .


  10. Wilton Norman " Wilt " Chamberlain ( August 21 , 1936 - October 12 , 1999 ) , nicknamed Wilt the Stilt , The Big Dipper , and Chairman of the Boards , was an American professional NBA basketball player for the Philadelphia / San Francisco Warriors , the Philadelphia 76ers and the Los Angeles Lakers ;


  11. I know the story of how the big dipper formed .


  12. On a clear night , I looked up at the sky and saw the Big Dipper .


  13. Office doors open , whereas low growl sound of a body of dark , the first large as the Big Dipper , the actual Mengquan has stood like a ghost like eyes .


  14. Beidou is the Chinese name for the Big Dipper constellation , one of the brightest clusters of stars in the solar system , which long served as a crucial navigational tool for travelers .


  15. Big Dipper myth is observed in the ancestors of the actual experience of the Big Dipper form a " collective representation ", it contains a certain historical period of the ancestors of faith awareness and thinking mode .


  16. I was glad to find the North Star , which pointed out for me the Big Dipper .


  17. More recent radio transmissions include a Beatles song beamed by NASA to the North Star , a Doritos advertisement launched to a planetary system in the Big Dipper , and a series of broadcasts sent to nearby stars using an antenna in Crimea .


  18. The scene , captured one night last month , also shows a beautiful starscape far in the background , including the Big Dipper , part of the constellation of the Great Bear ( Ursa Major ) .


  19. The mystery of the first number seven from the original in fact a large part of the worship of ancestors of the Big Dipper . The worship of that time only in extreme natural environment and ignorance of the primitive society to the formation of China .


  20. In locate mode , you select a target from the database , be it a planet , star , constellation or asterism - a pattern of stars within a constellatioin : for example , the Big Dipper .


  21. In this picture from the 2009 Geminid shower , a bright meteor with a greenish tinge flashes through the sky over the Mojave Desert near Barstow , California , USA. Recognizable in the background are bright stars in the northern asterism known as the Big Dipper , framing the meteor streak .
