
美 [sʌb dɪˈɡriː]英 [sʌb dɪˈɡriː]
  • 网络副学位;副学位课程;副学士学位
  1. A further 8 per cent of the relevant age group have access to full-time first-year sub-degree courses .


  2. Apart from publicly funded higher education places , tertiary institutions have also offered self-financing programmes at the sub-degree level .


  3. With symptoms of sub-degree effect of quantitative method to develop standards to detect hormone levels , comparative study .


  4. Full-time students of ( UGC-funded ) sub-degree programmes will be required to take and to pass one General Education subject within their study period .


  5. Apart from being a low-speed mechanical transmission , but also can be used as a sub-degree turntable determine the final location of the machinery .


  6. With Regard to the Multi-value Digital Instructions Scales Weighing the Scope of the Partial Test Sub-degree and the Maximum Permissible Error of Calculation


  7. Body divided sub-degree , situation , tone , scope , time , frequency of six chapters , each chapter select the number of frequently used adverbs description .


  8. The panel also noted the background brief prepared by Legislative Council Secretariat on " provision of sub-degree places for secondary school leavers " .


  9. Up to date and comprehensive information on our Bachelor 's Degree and Sub-degree programmes are available at this interactive website dedicated for prospective applicants .


  10. All pre-service training courses provided by the HKIEd for primary and secondary school teachers are being progressively upgraded from sub-degree to degree or higher level .


  11. Since its establishment , the HKIEd has provided pre-service and in-service sub-degree teacher education courses targeted at teachers from pre-primary to secondary levels .


  12. The council 's accreditation work on sub-degree programmes has been further expanded to support the Government 's initiative to support the progressive increase in post-secondary education opportunities .


  13. Pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes , at sub-degree and degree levels , are provided by tertiary institutions funded through the University Grants Committee ( UGC ) .


  14. Observation of a chemotherapy cycle , patients were compared chemotherapy , hematological toxicity and its sub-degree , the incidence of other toxicity , physical response , quality of life and Karnofsky score changes in immune function .
