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  • n.斯穆特
  1. There may be a cautionary tale there . Today Smoot is remembered for his support for tariffs rather than his religion .


  2. The music is the sound , music appreciation is a kind of fine and smoot aesthetic appraisal .


  3. He went to primary school at the Norman grade school and much admired the lady who was the principal , a miss Lucy smoot .


  4. These modern day heirs to smoot and Hawley should realise that now is not a time for hoovernomics .


  5. RESULTS : Imagery conversing technique was a technique that could influence the deep mind of client , and change their mental status by regulating image , its smoot hly use needed better relationship between the counselor and the client .


  6. The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2006 was awarded by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to John Mather and George Smoot for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation .
