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  • n.夏尔巴人(居住在喜马拉雅山脉的一个部族,常作山中向导或搬运工等)
  • Sherpa的复数
  1. Those two going the other way are probably ITV sherpas .


  2. It killed 13 people , mostly Sherpas preparing the way for the spring climbing season .


  3. Sometimes we even get the impression that they are only looking for a partner in the South to use as Sherpas .


  4. This time the party took porters from Hunza instead of Sherpas from Nepal .


  5. The opportunity for Mr Obama is now , as the G20 " Sherpas " prepare the draft text .


  6. The records for the most and the fastest ascents fell today to two Nepalese Sherpas .


  7. Sherpas did not venture into the high peaks until European mountaineers began arriving to climb in the world 's greatest mountain range .


  8. He also worries for the well-being of Sherpas , after losing his own home in a flood caused by the melted glaciers .


  9. He motivates corporations and organizations with his knowledge of the work ethic , focus and determination of his people , the Sherpas of Mount Everest .


  10. A team of Sherpas in Nepal have announced that they will go on a clean-up expedition on Mount Everest .


  11. Sherpas were first employed as porters , tasked with carrying large amounts of equipment to supply the military-style expeditions of the day .


  12. Two Sherpas , Apa Sherpa and Phurba Tashi , hold the joint record for most Everest ascents .


  13. But for many ethnic Sherpas employed as local guides , who often take immense pride in their high-altitude skills , the most immediate motivation is a good income .


  14. The guides or Sherpas are often the victims , paving the way , carrying supplies and taking real risks for what are lucrative wages in Nepal .


  15. The Sherpas accused the climbers of getting in their way and causing an avalanche that hit other Sherpas laying ropes downhill .


  16. The Sherpas kicked , punched , and beat the men with rocks , and Moro says one angry Sherpa even threatened to kill him .


  17. All modern expeditions begin with a Puja ceremony in which Sherpas and other team members leave offerings and pay homage to the gods of the mountain .


  18. Clean-up programmes have been run by local guides , known as Sherpas , for decades , but are now coordinated by the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee ( SPCC ) .


  19. Arayama , a corporate management consultant from Kamakura , south of Tokyo , was part of an11-person team that included six Nepalese Sherpas and five Japanese climbers .


  20. How many Sherpas were among the fatalities at base camp this time was unclear , but Mr. Dhakal , the district official , said the 11 bodies retrieved on Monday included seven Nepalis .


  21. Amazingly , Sherpas often travel ahead of the adventurers to set ropes and ladders , just so the other climbers have a chance of making it up the steep cliffs .


  22. Even the local Sherpas I was traveling with even noticed , calling out to me , " sois luz Mateo , sois luz ! ! ! "


  23. On the way up the mountain , about two and a half hours into the final climb from camp four , the Inglis party passed Sharp , who had climbed without Sherpas the previous day , on May14 .


  24. Surrounded by the majestic Himalaya , Sherpas walk along a stone wall in the verdant hillside village of Namche Bazar , Nepal , a last stop on the way to Mount Everest .


  25. In Nepal , where the average income is about $ 700 a year , Sherpas can make $ 3,000 to $ 5,000 in a season on Mount Everest , as well as bonuses if they reach the summit .


  26. The avalanche on the Nepalese side of the mountain hit while a group of around 50-people , mostly Nepalese sherpas , were doing the technical preparations for this year 's climbing season , which is set to begin next week .


  27. Bei einem Lawinenungl ü ck am 18 . April kommen am Mount Everest 16 Sherpas - nepalesische Bergf ü hrer - ums Leben .


  28. Von den rund 8000 Euro Geb ü hren , die jeder Everest-Tourist zahlen muss , bekommen die Sherpas nur einen Bruchteil . Versichert sind die meisten nicht .


  29. Studying Sherpas is not only to add up to our ethnology research , more importantly , to consolidate and stabilizes the western border and to have a positively significant effect on the political , economical and cultural exchange between China and Nepal .


  30. As a reminder of the potential dangers , The Himalayan Times today carried a front-page photograph of Sherpas dragging a sled with the body of Kami , a Sherpa who had died in a fall .
