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  • 网络赛德娜
  1. But Sedna may have a moon of its own , and if it were a lot closer , we might have called it a planet long ago .


  2. Well , what you said about Pluto is true , but you left out super-distant object is only found recently , such as Sedna .


  3. Sadly for Sedna , though , it 's way out there - about eight billion miles away .


  4. Sedna is so distant , and tiny , that it was only discovered for the first time this year by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena .


  5. Sedna is already fascinating folks , though , because it is very reflective and reddish colored , confusing astronomers as to what it might be made of .


  6. No one could convincingly explain how the object , which Dr. Brown named Sedna , got there , and the hope was that the discovery of more Sedna-like worlds would provide enlightening clues .


  7. And if so , why not Quaoar and Sedna , and several other worlds , which were smaller than Pluto , but not by much ?


  8. Sedna 's been dubbed a " planetoid " - think of it as a mini-planet , three quarters as big as Pluto . It 's smaller than our moon .


  9. Come back in half a billion years , Dr. Brown said , and Sedna will be back in the Kuiper belt , while other Kuiper belt objects will have been pushed into elliptical orbits .
