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Samsung Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S4Samsung Galaxy S4
  1. Two years ago , a Hong Kong man blamed his Samsung Galaxy S4 for burning his house down .


  2. This is helped by the smaller size of the 5c compared to devices like the Samsung Galaxy S4 .


  3. The iPhone 5S puts much more focus on ease of use and simple choices than an Android handset such as the Samsung Galaxy S4 .


  4. And we 'll see how that sounds when we witness customer reactions to the new Samsung Galaxy S4 , a product whose media blitz has just begun .


  5. Nokia 's phone will likely be targeted at emerging markets where cheap smartphones are more popular than top-tier devices like the iPhone 5S and Samsung Galaxy S4 .


  6. • " the Samsung Galaxy S4 suffers from focus issues , so its selfies were inconsistent , and any bright lights in the background resulted in badly blown-out images . "


  7. Samsung 's Galaxy S4 Android phone comes with a preinstalled LoJack app for tracking the device if it 's lifted .


  8. The cost of producing a so-so brand 4.7 " " screen phone could be as low as $ 94 , Credit Suisse reckons , compared with $ 266 for Samsung 's Galaxy S4 .


  9. In an interview about the impact of Samsung 's Galaxy S4 on Apple ( AAPL ) , Anouch Seydtaghi , deputy economics editor for the Swiss newspaper Le Temps , asked Asymco 's Horace Dediu what seemed like a perfectly reasonable question :


  10. In most other ways , this update to Samsung 's top-selling Galaxy S4 barely moves the needle .


  11. Even late-model , high-end phones like Apple Inc. 's iPhone 5 and Samsung Electronics Co. 's Galaxy S4 were just good enough as cameras .
