Robert Koch

  • 网络罗伯特·科赫;柯霍;科霍;郭霍
Robert KochRobert Koch
  1. Robert Koch : the founder of medical microbiology and thd Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine in 1905


  2. In 1882 , the German physician Robert Koch identified the disease 's bacterial origins .


  3. Data for the map were obtained from Federal Statistical Office of Germany , World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Robert Koch Institute .


  4. March 24th is the day when Dr. Robert Koch made the discovery of the cause of tuberculosis in 1882 .


  5. The spitting habit became the target of public health authorities after the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus in1882 by the German biologist Robert Koch .


  6. Released by Germany 's disease control agency Robert Koch Institute , the app informs citizens who had been in contact with an infected person in order to detect and break the chains of infection .


  7. For about a century after 1882 , the year that Robert Koch identified the bacterium ( pictured above ) which causes TB , infection rates dropped as drugs were developed and vaccination programmes rolled out .


  8. It was not , for example , until Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch proved the connection between germs and infection that doctors realised that to cure such diseases you had to kill the germs .
