
  • 网络拍字节
  1. Cisco offered a comparison that suggests how big mobile has become : the traffic on mobile data networks in 2012 885 petabytes was nearly 12 times greater than total Internet traffic around the world in 2000 , back when the web was taking off .


  2. Together , they store more than 25 petabytes ( 25 million gigabytes ) of information .


  3. Conversion across all different types of units , from bits up to petabytes .


  4. Further , terabytes and petabytes of data aren 't easily managed in a single system .


  5. It manages large-scale data ( petabytes and beyond ) distributed across thousands of commodity servers reliably and efficiently .


  6. Today , it has " double-digit petabytes " of product data , she said , from its 120,000 suppliers .


  7. Hipal , for example , is a tool that aims to make analyzing petabytes of data easy for anyone in the company .


  8. Ext4 supports file systems of up to1 exabyte in size ( 1000 petabytes ) .


  9. Data-intensive scientific and engineering applications often require the efficient transfer of terabytes or even petabytes of data in wide-area , distributed computing environments .


  10. Its advanced scale out capability coupled with automated data placement and unified management enables customers to rapidly expand storage infrastructure to multiple petabytes with minimal efforts .


  11. Hadoop is a Java-based framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications , enabling applications to work with thousands of processor nodes and petabytes of data .


  12. Some incarnations of GFS are file systems " many petabytes in size " & a petabyte being a million gigabytes .


  13. The output of each daily simulation amounts to petabytes of data and requires an assortment of tools for storing , processing , analyzing , visualizing , and mining .


  14. Current storage system stores petabytes of data with thousands of storage device of several kinds , high parallelism , high reliability and high Performance-to-Price Ratio are the kernel demands of mass storage system .


  15. Amr Awadallah said eBay have the third largest Hadoop cluster in existence holding a few petabytes of data and move data between it and a traditional data warehouse .


  16. It is a large scale , fault tolerant , self managing system with terabytes of memory and petabytes of storage space which can handle millions of reads / writes per second .


  17. As the increasing data to storage , a large scale storage system may service millions of clients and hold hundreds of thousands of storage devices , with petabytes to exabytes of storage capacities .


  18. Hadoop is a perfect tool to achieve this goal with its ability to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data and automatically handle job scheduling , partial failure , and load balancing .


  19. JFS2 is architected for filesystems up to four petabytes , but it has currently only been tested up to16 terabyte-sized filesystems .


  20. Many modern enterprises are collecting data at the most detailed level possible , creating data repositories ranging from terabytes to petabytes in size . The ability to apply sophisticated analysis to this data is becoming essential for marketplace competitiveness .


  21. You can easily take the lessons from this article and apply them to petabytes of logfiles ; that is the essence of why the MapReduce abstraction is a useful tool , especially in a cloud environment .


  22. In one deft move , Facebook has purged itself of petabytes of stale marketing schlock ( the equivalent of so many flashy neon signs ) , obliged companies to engage more earnestly and intimately with their audiences and reinvigorated its brand pages .
