Perspective taking

美 [pərˈspektɪv ˈteɪkɪŋ]英 [pəˈspektɪv ˈteɪkɪŋ]
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Perspective takingPerspective taking
  1. The development of children 's social perspective taking and the differences between subtypes


  2. A cross-cultural study of the development of social perspective taking in Chinese and Australian children


  3. Some effects may serve as experimental evidence for perspective taking .


  4. Perspective taking is closely related to the process of lexical choice .


  5. Perspective taking is particularly useful when it comes to your boss .


  6. The perspective taking in the process of highlighting has various consequences for how we process information .


  7. An Experimental Study of the Development of Children 's Perspective Taking Ability in Discrimination Between Seeing and Knowing


  8. Perspective taking is a ubiquitous phenomenon in discourse .


  9. Maternal conscientiousness and perspective taking is significantly positively related to responsiveness .


  10. The study mainly involved : 1.The relationship between the development of children 's social perspective taking and age and sex .


  11. Perspective taking : A third element of moral knowing is being able to understand someone else 's point of view .


  12. The Effects of Perspective Taking and Empathic Concern on Helping Behavior : The Moderating Role of Group Membership


  13. The purpose is to examine the relationship between the development of children 's social perspective taking and the development of sharing behavior in prosocial behavior .


  14. The results indicated ( 1 ) the development of social perspective taking , especially cognitive perspective taking had an effect on children ′ s real sharing behavior .


  15. This study aim is to explore the influence of emotional state and perspective taking on empathy gap among teachers and its remove strategy under the social pain paradigm .


  16. These six elements moral awareness , knowing moral value , perspective taking , moral reasoning , self-knowledge , and decision-making make up the moral knowing components of good character .


  17. Moreover , the variance analysis and regression analysis were used to further examine the function of empathic concern , personal distress on the effect of perspective taking on helping behavior .


  18. Pictograph is one of ancient texts , many philology scientists have studied it from perspectives of meaning category , glyph structure , perspective taking and part-of-speech .


  19. Formal experiment were randomly divided into of perspective taking group and the control group , completed the experimental tasks , and then measured again its implicit stigma implicit self-esteem and empathy reaction .


  20. During the period of kindergarten , there were significant difference between the development of cognitive perspective taking and affective perspective taking , but there were no difference during the pupils of grade one to three .


  21. The researchers found that a lot of factors on empathic response , such as the perceived need , perceived similarity , perspective taking and value the welfare of the person in need and so on .


  22. In the aspect of moral cognition , the interaction between a child and his peer group enhances the ability of perspective taking ( role taking ) which is the direct condition for the development of moral cognition .


  23. Cognitive factors include perspective taking , moral judgment , value orientation , ego cognition , etc. Emotional factors are empathy , mood , etc. Emotional facial expressions recognition ability can be regard as a combination of cognitive and emotional factors .


  24. From the theory of children 's psychology this article discusses two aspects of moral development . Firstly , individual moral development is analyzed such as egocentricity , self-discipline morality , perspective taking , judgment of the causes of feelings transference and moral emotions .


  25. ( iii ) Empathic concern acts as the mediator in the relationship between trust and person-focused ICB and task-focused ICB , as well as perspective taking and person-focused ICB and task-focused ICB ;


  26. An Ethical Perspective of Taking Students as Research Objects


  27. Image of Animals from the Cultural Perspective & Taking Horse as a Creative Symbol


  28. Integrated Management of the Regional Library Businesses Based on Collaborative Perspective & Taking Dongguan Library for Example


  29. Research on E-waste Recycling from the Venous Industry Perspective & Taking the Case of the Yangtze Delta Region


  30. And second , kinda some help putting the rejection in perspective , taking the long view if you will .
