Ocean basin
- 海洋盆地;洋盆;大洋盆地

Like humans , killer whales have colonized a range of different habitats across the globe , occupying every ocean basin on the planet , with an empire that extends from pole to pole .
Study on the love wave / rayleigh wave incompatibility in the Pacific Ocean Basin
Surface sediments and relationship between it and manganese nodules in Central Pacific Ocean Basin
Calcium carbonate dissolution belt and its character in the mid Pacific Ocean Basin
The ocean basin became more narrow in early Late Paleozoic , which last several millions years .
The small ocean basin is formed and the ophiolite appear when back arc basin expands .
Petrologic restrictions on the Ordovician ocean basin scale and spreading rate in Qilian area
A Discussion on the Problems About the Reconstruction of a Ancient Ocean Basin in a Continental Orogenic Belt
Major area of middle dangerous disaster of debris flows at Pacific Ocean Basin in northeast of China ⅳ .
An ocean basin that persisted from the Paleozoic to Triassic did not exist , i.
The continuous and lasting pelagic record is one of the most effective evidences to size up the ancient ocean basin .
Geochemistry of major and rare-earth elements of the basic volcanic rocks indicates the features of an ocean basin between continents .
There are large-scaled modern sediment waves wide-distributed on the deep-sea floors of the every ocean basin .
Jurassic and Cretaceous , the marginal ocean basin was in the stage of ocean crust evolution and had a setting similar to mid-ocean ridge .
It implys a MORB type ophiolite association and an ancient ocean basin between Qinling and Yangtze plates during middle Palaeozoic early Mesozoic era .
The collision orogeny in southern Tianshan occurred as the result of the closure of the northern Tianshan paleo ocean basin in the late Carboniferous .
The oblique strike slip structure is resulted from the closing of little Jingshajiang regeneration ocean basin and the oblique intercontinental collision in late Triassic .
It is shown that the relative movement between the East Asian Continent and the Pacific Ocean Basin occurved , and real continental rim of East Asia produced .
In early Ordovician North Qilian region again stretched and suffered second oceanization , up to middle Ordovician a mature ocean basin with a trough-arc-basin system already formed .
For monitoring the ocean basin the ocean acoustical tomography technique measures the sound travel time between stations placed around the basin and uses inverse calculation to infer to temperatare and current field .
Characteristics and latitudinal comparative research on the early Palaeozoic volcanic rocks of rifted orogenic belt and small ocean basin ophiolite suit from northern Qinling Mountains and southern Qilian Mountains
In the ocean basin spreading stage of Middle Silurian , it formed a increase metamorphic charateristics with lotrite facies → low green schist facies → hornblende facies .
In this study , Love wave dispersion data of117 selected wave paths crossing the Pacific ocean basin are determined by applying the MF-FTAN technique to SRO / GDSN long period data .
A possible dynamic characteristics of more continental blocks , ocean basin and weak subduction and the granite evolution & an example from the granites in the core of the Qinling orogenic belt , central China
The hanging wall siliceous rocks is deposited in a basin environment , with weak hydrothermal activity , and far away from the vent , similarly to cherts deposited in a modern ocean basin .
This discovery provides important evidence for studying the ages of formation and elimination of the Central Asian ocean basin and also an important clue to the determination of the nature of the basement of the Junggar basin .
In Early Palaeozoic stage the North Qilian ocean basin was a marginal sea environment induced from Paleo-Asiatic Ocean , and the special withering history of the marginal sea caused the formation of characteristic metallogenic associations .
The major , trace element and isotope geochemical characteristics of the basic lavas of the Kule Lake ophiolite indicate that the basic lavas have a N-MORB affinity , possibly suggesting a small ocean basin environment for them .
Gold metallogenesis in northern Xinjiang is thought to be related to collision orogeny . The collision orogeny in southern Tianshan occurred as the result of the closure of the northern Tianshan paleo ocean basin in the late Carboniferous .
During subduction northward of Neo-Tethys oceanic plate , Ayla-Zhongba micro-continental , the marginal ocean basin and India continental drifted northward all together , the marginal ocean basin was gradually contracted and closed by compressed of India continental .