
  • 网络有机论;机体论;有机主义;机体说
  1. Precisely speaking , this paradigm mainly embodies the balance of organicism and atomism .


  2. Relating to or tending toward organicism .


  3. It has always resembled a pair of dancers , atomism and organicism , engaged in an uncomfortable philosophical dance .


  4. So , the main influence of paradigm dominated by organicism on the early property law consisted in that people in the Middle Ages generally held that private property should be restricted by social obligations .


  5. Today , we are in the midst of another paradigm shift in which , based on even more sophisticated knowledge , the lead is passing to holism , a less comprehensive version of organicism .


  6. On the Ideas of N.Wiener 's Organicism


  7. In ancientry and in the Middle Ages , the early property law which embodied the paradigm dominated by organicism stressed the social obligation and responsibility of private property and aimed at sociableness .


  8. One partner , organicism , led for centuries until atomism , reflecting a more refined scientific knowledge about the way the world worked , emerged to take the lead in the seventeenth-century paradigm shift .


  9. After research , however , this thesis points out that during the history of the development of the theory of American property law , atomism and organicism , individualism and republicanism , individual advantage and social benefit could coexist in each era .
