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Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Nozzle Flows by Using NND Difference Scheme
Numerical algorithm is an implicit finite difference method related to the NND scheme .
The study of heat transfer rate around complicated configurations in hypersonic flows using NND finite-element method
NND Numerical Simulation Method for Capturing Muti-component Flow Interface
Second order NND scheme was adopted . The pressure distributions of numerical results agree well with the experimental results .
NND schemes were studied for initial vale problem of a scalar conservation law .
The Extentions of NND Schemes and Application to Viscous Flow Calculations
Moreover , a factorization algorithm is introduced to implicit NND scheme to raise computational efficiency .
Calculation of axisymmetric plug nozzle flow field was completed with Zhang 's NND scheme .
The NND schemes in conservative variable type and shock capturing technology are used in the calculations .
Unsteady Taylor-Galerkin Finite Element Methods Considering NND Modification
Application of NND scheme on magneto hydrodynamics equations
The Influence of Chemical Constitution nnd Condition of Formation on the Structure and Properties of Polyurethane Elastomeric Fibres
Studies on Physico chemical and Biological Properties of Antibiotic in vivo from Streptomyces NND 52
Non-oscillatory and Non-free parameter Dissipation ( NND ) difference scheme was used to calculate three dimensional nozzle flows .
In the70s , when NND last affiliation met a sword Pope that is
The numerical experiments show that NND schemes can resolve robustly both boundary layer separation , attachment and complex shock waves interferences .
The numerical simulations of the flow field around and aerospike nozzle cell were completed base on N S equations with Second order NND scheme .
Application of Numerical Method based on Potential Theory to Cavity Contour The researches on the NND finite element method and its applications in predicting the heat transfer rate around complicated configurations
The NND scheme based on Steger-Warming flux vector splitting is presented , and the flow field of shock wave tube is calculated by the finite difference method .
The nonlinear relationships between the buckle propagation pressure and the length of the transition zone nnd the position parameter of the plastic hinge are derived using the energy principle .
We generalize Non-oscillatory , Non-free parameter Discrete scheme ( NND ) for the first time and apply it to the conservative form of MHD equations .
The governing equations uncoupled with the source terms of species and energy were discretized numerically by finite volume NND scheme . The corresponding two dimensional programs were implemented .
The time splitting method is used to split the distribution function equations into the colliding relaxation equation and the convection movement equations . The NND finite difference method is adopted and extended to solve them .
The upwind NND scheme , which was proposed by Dr Shen Qing , is used in simulation . For eliminating the carbuncle phenomena , we select an appropriate entropy fit method .
A numerical method for solving three-dimensional Euler equations by using second-order accurate NND explicit finite difference scheme is presented to simulate the unsteady flows induced by rotor / stator interaction inside a compressor stage .
The unsteady , compressible Euler equations are solved on dynamic unstructured grids by explicit , finite volume NND scheme , and , the fluid dynamics and rigid body dynamics equations are coupled .
This report presents the time-depended fully implicit LU algorithm , which was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with NND difference scheme in numerical simulation to the flowfields of supersonic diffuser in the pressure recovery system .
The numerical simulation was based on an Non-Oscillatory and Non-Free Parameters Dissipation Difference ( NND ) scheme to solve the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations , and the cold flow experimental studies using air were performed to evaluate the nozzle performances .
A four-stage modified Runge-kutta scheme was applied to solve the ideal three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic ( MHD ) equations in generalized curvilinear coordinate system , and a characteristic type NND scheme was added in post-processing to overcome numerical oscillation .