Moist Rales

美 [mɔɪst reɪlz]英 [mɔɪst rɑːlz]
  • 网络湿罗音;罗音;湿啰音;湿性罗音;湿性啰音
Moist RalesMoist Rales
  1. There was statistical significance of moist rales 、 tubbiness thorax 、 lung boundary descend ( P < 0.05 ); Results : ( 1 ) Clinical characteristics of PF-COPD were between COPD and pulmonary fibrosis .


  2. Moist rales appearing or increasing suddenly ;


  3. Clinical Observation on Moist Rales in Children 's Pneumonia Treated by Helium Neon Laser and Ultrashort Wave


  4. The sign of lung was usually lacked , and the rate of moist rales were only 4.9 % .


  5. Respiratory sounds in right lung were weak . A small amount of rhonchus and moist rales could be heard .


  6. All 21 cases had dyspnea to varying degrees and pulmonary moist rales , their pulmonary alveolar respiratory sounds were weakened .


  7. There was statistical significance of moist rales 、 tubbiness thorax 、 lung boundary descend ( P < 0.05 );


  8. Clinical cough , expectoration was the main symptom , the lungs could be heard and dry rales with or without moist rales .


  9. Objcetive : To probe into the curative effect of helium neon laser and ultrashort wave on removing moist rales in children 's pneumonia .


  10. Cyanosis of lips , arrhythmia , engorged cervical vein moist rales of lung , the left side enlarged cardiac dullness are common physical signs ;


  11. The diminution of respiration and pulmonary thin moist rales were auscultated in 4 cases . The chest imaging manifestations were accounted for ( 66.7 % ) .


  12. Compared with group A , B and control group , the cases in group C were more significant in disappearance of asthma , dyspnea , wheezing sound , and moist rales and hospitalization days was shorter ( P < 0.05 ) .


  13. 33 8 % of the patients were revealed to have lowered respiratory sound at the pulmonary base . Occasionally , fine moist rales accompanied by the accentuation of pulmonic second sound ( P 2 ) or the diastolic gallop rhythm .


  14. The Moist Crepitant Rales Over Lung Bases in the Middle-aged and Old People : Analysis of 31 Cases
