
  • 网络磨拉石;磨拉石沉积
  1. The Meishan group of Carboniferous system has the nature of molasse formation .


  2. Late early Permian Epoch molasse formation ;


  3. Its age is late Early Triassic . Late early Permian Epoch molasse formation ;


  4. The structure forms of Maoshan fault zone and the discovering of the tectonic hybrid rocks and molasse


  5. Evaporite formation altogether with its underlying molasse formation forms a complete metallogenic system for strata-bound deposits .


  6. Molasse is a sedimentary assemblage which is characteristic of clastic sediments and rapid accumulation on the front of mountain mass .


  7. The Fe Mn mass dissociated by weathering in the red molasse formation can partly adjust the pH of sedimentary environments .


  8. Molasse and global tectonics


  9. In Early Carnian of the Late Triassic , molasse sediments developed , and shelf , slope and basin deposits only occurred in local areas .


  10. The discovery of molasse facies deposits of the Caledonides in southwestern Jiangxi " I should have brought a stone . "


  11. The Lixian-Minxian foreland basin undertook abyssal-bathyal flysch deposition at its earlier evolution stage and continental molasse stage at its later evolution stage .


  12. J 3 & K 1 , the stage of forming oxidized broad and shallow lake and red Molasse formation is that of beneficial reservoirs growing in central and west China ;


  13. The third one , formed at early stage of later-Proterozoic ( 1000-800Ma ), was belong to molasse formation accumulated in foredeep or intermountain basin ;


  14. The Chuxiong Basin is a Mesozoic foreland basin in central Yunnan . The sediments in the basin may fall into two subtypes : foreland flysch and foreland molasse .


  15. 2000-3000 m of molasse started in the late Miocene and with a coarsening-up tendency show a rapid and accelerated uplifting from the late Miocene to early Pleistocene .


  16. Detailed sedimentary research indicates that Late Jurassic Mohe basin contains the alluvial fan , fan-delta and lacustrine facies , belonging to continental molasse deposits of the foreland basin .


  17. Huge thick Cathysian formations ( Molasse strata ) with certain terrestrial flysch rhythm were deposited and lots of eruptive rock formations were intercalated in these basins .


  18. The Late Permian-Middle Triassic succession of the basin is composed of thick , coarse molasse deposits and fine clastics , organized into coarsening-upward and fining-upward stratigraphic sequences .


  19. The three types of molasse are genetically related to the models of Welson mountain building cycles , on the account of : 1.different types of molasse formed in different stages of Welson cycles ;


  20. 2 ) flourishing stage ( T2-T3 ), during which the marine foreland develops to continental foreland , forming marine molasse and continental molasse ; ( 3 ) molasse deposits ;


  21. The basin was migrated northward in Late Jurassic , and in the piedmont basins with EW and NE directions in the southern and eastern parts of Inner Mongolian Axis , the substance from adjacent mountainous areas was deposited , forming the molasse formation ;
