Mo Zi

  • 网络墨子;墨家
Mo ZiMo Zi
  1. When Mo Zi ( Master of the Mohist School ) heard of this , the went immediately to see Gongshu Zi and said to him :


  2. Upon hearing this , Mo Zi said , " If you were driving a swift horse and a goat to ascend2 the Mt. Taihang , which one you would whip , the horse or the goat ? "


  3. Geng Zhuzi replied , " The swift horse , of course . " Mo Zi then asked , " Why the swift horse ? Because the swift horse is worth whipping , the goat is not . " Geng Zhuzi answered .


  4. Mo Zi 's Book and Its Value on Research


  5. Mathematics Thought of MO Zi and His School of Thought


  6. One day , Zi Qin asked his master Mo Zi :


  7. Innovation and Development of Mo Zi 's Thought of Respecting Talented Persons


  8. Preliminary analysis of non-logical methods in Mo Zi 's debate


  9. Comparison between the Utilitarian Idea of Mo Zi and Western Utilitarianism


  10. The Research on Maths Thought of Mo Zi


  11. Different Class Cares : the Differences between the Educational Thoughts of Confucius and Mo zi


  12. Mo Zi thought for a while , and answered :


  13. Mo Zi 's life , however , resembled that of Confucius in many important respects .


  14. Mo Zi 's argumentation art is the essence of ancient argumentation science of our country .


  15. Valence Study on Verb in Mo Zi


  16. MO Zi 's Thinking of Mathematics


  17. Third , records of Mo Zi 's doings and sayings ;


  18. This thesis is on the study of polysyllabic words in Mo zi from the perspective of language and vocabulary .


  19. Mo Zi ( 470 B. C. ~ 391 B. C. ) was a Chinese philosopher .


  20. In educational content , Mo Zi made certain breakthroughs in educational thoughts of Confucian school , which displayed his unusual creativity .


  21. Confucius , Mo Zi and other military strategists in the prevailing social education , their thoughts all included sports component .


  22. The paper tries to differentiate the time and author on each chapter of Mo Zi , and to explore the book 's researching value .


  23. There are two reasons . Firstly , Mo Zi has an important value in studying pre-Qin Chinese , because it has abundant oral language materials .


  24. The Mo Zi , the principal Mohist work , condemned offensive war and urged people to lead a simple life harmful to none .


  25. The other sections of Mo Zi might be listed as follows : First , summaries and abstracts of Mo Zi 's teachings ;


  26. In educational purposes , Mo Zi formed an ideal moral model of personality which left a profound impact on the formation of traditional ideal personality of the Chinese nation .


  27. The " Citing " analogy laid bare the logic pattern used in The Book of Mo Zi is very different from the one used in deduction and induction .


  28. Mo Zi thought that the internal basis of life 's value lies in the affirmation of human existence , and its external basis is the experience and introspection of real life .


  29. The logic in Mo Zi 's theory , explored and sifted by scholars of later generations , is of a milestone significance in the history of Chinese logic .


  30. Except for a brief period when he held public office . Mo Zi spent most of his life traveling from one feudal state to another in the hope of meeting a prince who would allow him to put his teachings into practice .
