Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction

美 [mɪkst ˈlɪmfəsaɪt riˈækʃn]英 [mɪkst ˈlɪmfəsaɪt riˈækʃn]
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Mixed Lymphocyte ReactionMixed Lymphocyte Reaction
  1. The study of autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in patients with hepatitis B


  2. Assisted Functional Study in Dendritic Cell in Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction


  3. Some Factors that Influence Human Autologous Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction


  4. Mixed lymphocyte reaction was measured by MTT assay .


  5. Impairment of autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in patients with chronic cor pulmonale


  6. MIL-12 gene transferred murine dendritic cells stimulate mixed lymphocyte reaction


  7. The mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) was inhibited .


  8. Effects of Extracts of Dominant Indoor Airborne Fungal Culture on the Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction in Different Species of Mice


  9. Mixed lymphocyte reaction Stimulator cells were various types of DCs originated from BALB / c mice .


  10. The stimulating capacity of DC was determined in allogenic mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) .


  11. In addition , recipient spleens were studied by mixed lymphocyte reaction , western blot and flow cytometry .


  12. Effect of activation of stimulator cells on expression of CD69 by responder T cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction


  13. Acceleration of mixed lymphocyte reaction by HCV C-Fc gene-transferred murine dendritic cells


  14. Characterization of GM CSF Primed Macrophage Derived from Peripheral Blood Monocyte and Its Effect on the Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction


  15. Effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D_3 on T-lymphocyte subsets , mixed lymphocyte reaction and natural killer cell following skin transplantation in mice


  16. Study of the cellular immunologic function in patients with Graves ' disease and hashimoto 's thyroiditis by autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction


  17. Mixed lymphocyte reaction and ConA induced proliferation test were performed to evaluate proliferative activity of mice spleen cells in cell-transplanted group .


  18. These cells also exhibit immunoregulatory properties in vitro as demonstrated by their ability to suppress the mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) .


  19. Phenotypes of DC were detected by flow cytometry , and the mixed lymphocyte reaction was used to measure the proliferative capability of T cells .


  20. The stimulatory capacity of DCs to T cell proliferation was evaluated by allogenic mixed lymphocyte reaction ( AMLR ) .


  21. However , in the mixed lymphocyte reaction , MSC-HGF could inhibit lymphocyte proliferation induced by heterogenic antigen in a dose-dependent manner .


  22. The capacity of melanocytes to stimulate T lymphocytes was evaluated by mixed lymphocyte reaction and the supernatant cytokine levels were determined by ELISA .


  23. Conclusions Retrovirus mediated gene tranfer of viral interleukin 10 inhibits murine mixed lymphocyte reaction , prolongs murine cardiac allograft survival significantly .


  24. The proliferation of murine bone marrow cells , lymphocytes and the mixed lymphocyte reaction were detected when they were treated with PY3 of different concentrations .


  25. The mouse splenic T lymphocytic subsets , mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ), the activity of natural killer ( NK ) cells were determined .


  26. Mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) and delayed type hypersensivity ( DTH ) at day 15 of parabiosis were tested .


  27. Tolerance status of the recipient rats induced and maintained were tested by mice lymphoid chimerism , skin grafting and mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) .


  28. Accelerated and enhanced mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) and skin allograft rejection ( SAR ) were observed in mice sensitized with related alloantigens .


  29. With analyzing phenotypes , morphology and mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ), we confirmed that the cells from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells were DCs . 2 .


  30. CD86 68.38 % , The results of mixed lymphocyte reaction ( MLR ) showed that DC had the ability to stimulate vigorous proliferation of allo T cells .
