
  • n.甲基睾丸素;甲基睾(甾)酮
  1. Clinical study of lower dose mifepristone and methyltestosterone on peri-menopausal dysfunctional uterine bleeding


  2. The 50 day old fish were fed diet containing methyltestosterone for 4 months and then reared for 182 ~ 335 days . More than 20 % fry developed into males .


  3. Oxidation of 17 α Methyltestosterone and Discussion of the Products


  4. Research on methyltestosterone used together with mifepristone and misoprostol to end the early pregnancy


  5. Determination of related substances in Methyltestosterone spray by HPLC gradient elution


  6. Clinical Study of Mifepristone and Methyltestosterone for Treating Endometrial Hyperplasia


  7. 17 α methyltestosterone can make testis index increasing , accelerate testis development and sperm formation .


  8. Silica gel column SPE-HPLC determination of methyltestosterone in aquatic products


  9. Conclusion The methods are specific and sensitive , and can be used to detect the illegal addition of methyltestosterone .


  10. Simultaneous Determination of Methyltestosterone and Diethylstilbestrol in Animal Products by LC-MS / MS


  11. Determination of Propranolol and Methyltestosterone by Capillary Electrophoresis-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry Using Field Amplified Sample Injection


  12. 14 patients were treated by voice modification in which 2 patients with high level of E 2 were treated by methyltestosterone .


  13. Preparation of △ ~ 1-17 α - methyltestosterone by selective dehydrogenation using IBX


  14. Comparison of 17 α Methyltestosterone on spermatogenesis in grey mullet of fresh water and seawater


  15. The paper reports for the first time that 17 α - methyltestosterone ( 17 α MT ) may promote spermatogenesis of amphioxus .


  16. Effects of 17 α methyltestosterone on sex reversal in Epinephelus akaara : observation of degenerative process in egg cell


  17. A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Methyltestosterone on Sex Reversal and Body Colour in Sailfin Molly and Red Sword tall


  18. The anabolic and androgenic activities of 17 α - methyltestosterone and related steroids in castrated rats and mice


  19. Objective To study the clinical effects of low dose mifepristone together with methyltestosterone on the treatment of climacteric dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( DUB ) .


  20. CONCLUSION The volume ratio of the peppermint oil and azone at 6 % - 4 % is better than others for methyltestosterone ethanol solution .


  21. A method was developed for the determination of methyltestosterone in methyltestosterone tablets and compound oc-tavitamins and methyltestosterone capsules by capillary electrophoresis .


  22. In this paper , 17 α methyltestosterone and 17 β estradiol effects on the testis development of the chinese mitten handed crab , Eriocheir sinensis with injected method were reported .


  23. Using methyltestosterone as starting material , the target compound was obtained through four steps including oxidation by hydrogen peroxide , chlorination by concentrated hydrochloric acid , dehydrogenation by DDQ . The total yield is 36 % .


  24. Objective : To study the feasibility and optimal regimen of oral low dose gossypol acetate ( GA ) combined with methyltestosterone ( MT ) plus ethinyl estradiol ( EE ) for contraception in male rats .


  25. The comparative study revealed that prednisone was better than methyltestosterone in the treatment of idiopathic oligospermia ; the spermatozoon density , motility and pregnancy rate in prednisone group were higher than in methyltestosterone group ( p < 0.01 ) .


  26. This paper reports the effect of feeding with food containing 17 α - methyltestosterone ( MT. ) and 17 β - estradiol ( ES . ) on the testis development and sex ratio of a marine prawn-Penaeus orientalis .


  27. The result showed the body weight increasing rate of the young crab in the experimental group fed on the diet added with methyltestosterone and zeolite powder was not clearly different from that of the young crab in the contrast group ( P < 0 . 05 );


  28. An experiment was conducted to comparing test the effect of herb additives and methyltestosterone , olaquindox additives on growth performance ( SGR , FCE , PER and Feed Intake ), physiological parameters ( the phagocytic activity of the hemocytes and anti-stress ability ) in Oreochromis niloticus XO . aureus .
