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  • 网络米洛斯;米罗斯;梅洛斯;米洛斯岛;米洛斯岛人
  1. No one knows who created the statue of the Aphrodite of Melos .


  2. The Aphrodite of Melos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess A phrodite .


  3. This statue had earned it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .


  4. This statue had eamed it 's name the Venus de Milo or Venus de Melos , because in 1820 , a peasant had found it on the Greek island of Melos and it was named after the island where it was found .
