Manchester code

美 [ˈmæntʃestər koʊd]英 [ˈmæntʃestə(r) kəʊd]
  • 网络曼彻斯特编码;曼彻斯特码;曼切斯特码
Manchester codeManchester code
  1. BPSK and Manchester code are adopted for digital sub-carrier intensity modulation and optical pulse system respectively .


  2. Differential Manchester code is fit for TWACS according to the speciality of modulation signal .


  3. Manchester code is widely used in industrial control applications as a method of communication .


  4. Manchester Code / decode Based on AVR and Its Application


  5. Manchester code was used in data coding , each frame of data included synchronous head , valid data bits and cyclic redundancy parity bits .


  6. The data is written the RF card by the gap of the magnetic field . The data stream returned by the RF card is demodulated with Manchester code .


  7. In the design of hardware , the paper details in introducing the reader circuit and function module , especially the theory and method of design in D-type power amplifier , Manchester code and coil .


  8. The optimized new interface board with a CPLD chip for Manchester code communication not only fulfills the function of the old one , but also adds the depth and tension system in it . The new board has better integration , compatibility and reliability .


  9. The Application of the Manchester - code - communication in Long Distance System


  10. In this chapter , I mainly introduce the application of the Manchester - code - communication in long distance system .


  11. Well logging computerized data acquisition system can collect data such as Manchester 's code , depth pulse , pulse and amplitude based on AVR microcontroller .
