Management Trainee

美 [ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˌtreɪˈniː]英 [ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˌtreɪˈniː]
  • 网络管理培训生;管培生;管理实习生;储备干部
Management TraineeManagement Trainee
  1. Job : Management Trainee at Bank of America


  2. In what ways do you could benefit from and contribute to this Management Trainee Program ?


  3. He joined disc nearly two years ago as a management trainee .


  4. Management Trainee Receives systematic training in the company .


  5. Starwood China Corporate Management Trainee opportunities are limited to fresh graduated students with Chinese nationality .


  6. One of my proudest things is , to have the title of Global Management Trainee .


  7. Management trainee , female , 24


  8. We offer you the opportunity to fill management trainee positions in our hotel operations or Regional Offices .


  9. To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee , with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm


  10. The teacher made Bob stay in and do his exercises again . Management Trainee Receives systematic training in the company .


  11. To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee , with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm .


  12. To this end , he is now working as a management trainee in the corporate banking division of a bank in Macau .


  13. We are sincerely inviting strong and talented individuals , with passion for the brand , to join the Management Trainee Program .


  14. Among countless job titles posted on recruiting websites , one in particular might catch your attention : management trainee ( MT ) .


  15. I was one of this man 's employees – a young management trainee in the mid-1980s whose stint at this particular company was mercifully short .


  16. Enterprise Holdings says it 's looking to fill nearly 11000 new full-time positions by the middle of next year , but 8500 of which will be management trainee posts .


  17. I am a management trainee at a well-known company and have been offered a sought-after posting – a year 's stint in our New York office .


  18. When I was a young management trainee , my boss threw me out with my idea of appointing agents to help us sell more cable television subscriptions .


  19. Dai Chaoyang , general manager of Shanghai Kadun Power Tools , says his company , which manufactures power drills , has started hiring new graduates in management trainee positions .


  20. Once the exclusive reserve of foreign firms , management trainee positions are now offered by State-owned enterprises , such as China 's Bank of Communications and private corporations such as Alibaba .


  21. Original supporting data from the number of personnel qualifications and seniority structure , staff turnover rate , management trainee , competition for promotion and other aspects , XB logistics talents quality inventory to provide personnel planning . 4 .


  22. Xue Yuan , 21 , a senior majoring in Chinese literature in Fudan University , was enrolled as a management trainee in L'OREAL ( CHINA ) Co. , Ltd in February , along with another 19 peers on the program .


  23. Along with the time 's relative extension of higher vocational colleges'post practice , the education and management on trainee party members will also be challenged .
