
  • 网络马格尼;美加力;曼尼与摩迪;曼尼;格尼
  1. Magni to await trial in freedom .


  2. Later Magni Bronzebeard said : The Ironforge did not welcome Japanese and Druids , expecially the latter one


  3. Magni Bronzebeard toasted with all the guests that night , including an Owlbeast and a tree


  4. But Max Magni , head of McKinsey 's Chinese consumer goods practice in Shanghai , says the market for luxury fakes is growing much more slowly than the real thing , and Chinese consumers are getting harder to please .


  5. The upper middle class are the ones that are ready to buy a small apartment , that have a car , that think about leisure activities more , says Max Magni , head of the consumer products practice in Greater China .


  6. This is not an easy market , says Max Magni of McKinsey in Shanghai , one of the authors . China is still a gold mine , but now there are thousands and thousands of miners that have discovered it .
