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  • abbr.失匹配负波
  1. Eleven patients with multiple myeloma nephropathy ( MMN ) are presented .


  2. Results The clinical features with MMN are chronic asymmetrical weakness of distant limbs .


  3. Methods MMN was recorded from 31 patients with depression and 28 age-matched controls .


  4. There were no differences of MMN , P300 , CNV indexes among the three groups .


  5. Compared with control group , MMN latency was significantly prolonged and MMN amplitude was significantly reduced in study group .


  6. Objective To analyze the clinical and electrophysiological features of the multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ) .


  7. Conclusions MMN should be differentiated from motor neuron disease and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy .


  8. Conclusions : MMN could reflect the automatic processing of schizophrenics , and might be useful markers applying into schizophrenics .


  9. Conclusion Patients with depression had abnormal brain automatic processing , and MMN may be the useful index in evaluating depression brain dysfunctions .


  10. Multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by slowly progressive asymmetrical limb weakness .


  11. The auditory mismatch negativity ( MMN ) was used to assess the pre-attention of 20 chronic pain patients and 20 healthy controls .


  12. OBJECTIVE : To assess if multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ) with and MMN without conduction block ( C are similar or distinct diseases .


  13. CONCLUSION : MMN is earlier and more sensitive to discover the mild cognitive impairment in PD patients than P300 and MMSE , with an important clinical significance .


  14. Conclusion Delayed P3 of P300 and MMN latencies in depression show state and trait markers , while those variations in anxiety correlate with clinical status .


  15. Objective : To study characteristics of amplitude decay over different nerve segments between normal subjects and multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ), and establish diagnostic criteria for the partial conduction block .


  16. 44 isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi comprising 38 species were cultured on MMN medium at 15 temperature gradients from 5 ℃ to 40 ℃ for 2 weeks .


  17. AIM : To investigate the variations of contingent negative variations ( CNV ) and mismatch negative ( MMN ) in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) .


  18. ConclusionIn the visual modality , MMP elicited by warp stimulus may be an element similar to auditory MMN and reflect auto-processing of brain to visual stimulus .


  19. Methods CNV , P300 and MMN were recorded from 44 depressive patients using Nicolet Spirit Instrument , and was compared with 32 anxiety patients and 28 normal controls ( NC ) .


  20. In auditory situation , on the pre-attentive processing stage of Chinese vowel / consonant / tone , they all elicited MMN , and have the similar time course . 3 .


  21. The influence of SZ-102 on PMN with SZ-102 resulted in an enhanced adhesion of MMN to HUVEC activated by lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) .


  22. From the general trend , the capacity of automatic informationprocessing ( pre-attentive processing ) declined gradually . It indicates that MMN can bea reliable indicator for real-time monitoring of mental fatigue .


  23. ERP results showed that the amplitude and peak latency of MMN were both modulated by the degree of deviant and type of emotion , fearful face significantly decrease the amplitude of MMN .


  24. The author uses Martin medium and MMN nutrient medium as the basis of the separation culture , separates 366 bacterial strain from three distributions and classifies it into 19 categories by combining form classification and ITS-RFLP molecular markers .


  25. Methods : CMAPs were recorded with supramaximal stimulation through surface electrodes in 169 nerves at different nerve segments of normal subjects and the results were compared with that of 26 nerves of MMN . The regular motor and sensory conduction velocity were simultaneously evaluated .


  26. CB was shown in both of the upper limbs of 13 MMN cases , and the other 3 cases showed CB in the distal part of median nerves and ulnar nerves firstly , and then in deep peroneal nerves with a development of the conditions .
