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  • 网络米拉;韩国未来产业
  1. Ms Yang , the Mirae Asset economist , says these would lay the ground for further reform .


  2. The rise of retail in Korea has been driven by a number of factors , according to Cho sung Lee , co-chief executive of mirae asset management .


  3. Commercial banks bought about 35 per cent of corporate bonds in 2011 , according to data from Mirae Asset Management .


  4. Gordon Kwan , head of energy research at Mirae , said that national energy security and technology would be the two key drivers of overseas acquisitions .


  5. This is an after-the-fact announcement , said Gordon Kwan , an analyst at Mirae Asset Management in Hong Kong .


  6. Margin pressure will probably induce more credit to underserved private and consumer sectors , and less support for infrastructure lending , said Stanley Li of Mirae Asset Securities .


  7. Sean Hwang , who heads equity research at Mirae Asset Securities in Seoul sees a temporary flight to safety among Asian investors continuing for a week or two .


  8. Wilfred sit , chief executive , Asia Pacific at mirae Asset Global Investments , saw strong inflows from the nascent retirement industry in Hong Kong and South Korea .


  9. However , the delay of just two weeks is unlikely to hurt sales significantly or cause a supply shortage in the US , said Roxy Wong , an analyst with Mirae Asset Securities .
