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  • 网络梅斯;美多丝;最大熵估计;极大熵谱估计
  1. Analysis and Prediction of Short Time Series Based on MESE


  2. Fault Diagnosis of Mine Hoister Based on Wavelet Analysis and MESE


  3. A multiple method of power spectrum estimate combined MESE with traditional spectrum estimation is offered to improve the spectrum analyzing precision and real-time .


  4. The computation of the AM field of a ship using the AC electric dipole Method on real-time detection of ship static electric signature based on MESE


  5. A summary of maximum entropy spectral estimation ( MESE ) is presented in this paper . It has the properties of low sidelobe and high resolution .


  6. Corresponding with the particularity of the short signal serials , the paper concludes the rules of the order selection for MESE and presents the experiential formula .


  7. Compared with traditional FFT method , MESE not only has higher resolution but also fits the processing of transient data , so , it can show the relation of amplitude to both time and frequency .


  8. Those methods include : MESE ( Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation ) , EV ( engen vector ) algorithms to estimate the slowly-changing phase pass perturbation , the estimation algorithm which bases on time-frequency analysis .


  9. The paper takes advantage of the time-frequency localization of wavelet packet ( WP ) and the frequency spectrum subdivision of maximum entropy spectrum estimation ( MESE ), puts forward a new method of the wavelet packet-maximum entropy spectrum estimation ( WP-MESE ) .
