
  • n.拉普人;拉普
  1. The language of the nomadic Lapp people in N Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula .


  2. Any of the languages spoken by the Lapp people and generally assumed to be Uralic languages .


  3. Determination of Effective Vitamin C in LAPP by UV - Spectrometer


  4. Influences of Lapp on the growth , resistance to low oxygen content and immuno resistance of Penaeus chinensis


  5. Lanthanum phenylphosphonate ( LaPP ) was successfully synthesized , and GF-PET / MRP / LaPP nanocomposites were fabricated by melt blending .


  6. Another book that deeply influenced Jobs during his freshman year was Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lapp é , which extolled the personal and planetary benefits of vegetarianism .


  7. LAPP is a data modeling and different from traditional computational method of modeling gene logic networks . This computational approach identifies logic relationships of the elements ( or components ) in complex networks through the logic analysis of their expression data .


  8. Larvae fed 3000 mg / kg and 6000 mg / kg of LAPP hed significantly higher survival rate than those treated with 600 mg / kg and the control diet after challenged with V.parahaemolyticus .


  9. The risk is that low standards result in low quality , said Amie Lapp Payne , who wrote an influential 2011 report for the National Association for Regulatory Administration on child-care safety . " If it isn 't a regulatory requirement , they aren 't going to do it , " she said .
