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  • 网络定域分子轨道;劳工市场意见;锰酸锂;劳工市场意见书;劳动市场意见书
  1. The main detection of LMO in foods are immunological detection methods and molecular biology detection method .


  2. [ Results ] 12 LMO strains were grouped into 9 chromosomal DNA patterns .


  3. Cyclization of hexene over lmo ( co ) _5-ticl_4 catalyst system


  4. LMO was applied to preparing Mn-Zn ferrite by co-precipitation method after being leached in sulfuric acid medium in this paper .


  5. To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs ( LMO ), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement .


  6. XRD , SEM , TG-DTA and BET were used for the characterization of layered K-Fe-Ti metal oxide ( LMO ) .


  7. The disease is an important common food-borne zoonoses , which is an acute infectious disease with high fatality rate . LMO is a serious threat to the human food safety .


  8. Different synthetic routes were investigated to find better , more sustainable , faster , and cheaper pathways on a batch production to produce nanoscale or metal-substituted LMO materials .


  9. The tons of Low-grade manganese ore ( LMO ) have become a serious environmental problem , and the comprehensive utilization of LMO has great benefit to both environment and economy .


  10. Track extrapolation 15 days , the orbit determination accuracy of LMO satellite changes little , remaining in the meter-scale , and the orbit determination of Halo Satellite has great influences by the ranging system bias .


  11. The protocol reaffirmed the precautionary principle , that permits contracting parties to prohibit or limit the entry of LMO , and the shipments containing LMO are to be clearly labeled .


  12. By using Foster-Boys Localization procedure and ab initio STO-3G method , more than one hundred of organic chain molecules which contain C , H , O and N atoms were investigated and the LMO energies and their interaction parameters were obtained .


  13. The orbit determination accuracy of LMO satellite is better than Halo satellite ' s. Track extrapolation 15 days , LMO orbit determination accuracy is in meter-scale , and Halo satellite orbit determination accuracy is in 100 m level . 5 .


  14. It has been shown that ~ 1J_ ( CH ) is principally determined by bonding and anti-bonding LMO of the C-H bond and approximately proportional to the product of electron density at the carbon and hydrogen nucleus .
