
  • 网络赫蒂彻
  1. History tells us that the first Muslim was a woman , Khadijah , Mother of Believers .


  2. It is beyond the scope of these few brief lines to say more about the noble Khadijah .


  3. The marriage between Muhammad and Khadijah took place , and turned out to be a very happy one .


  4. We learned that the first wife of the Prophet was a businesswoman called Khadijah .


  5. At the time , Makkah was a great trading center and Khadijah was one of the wealthiest traders in the city .


  6. As At-Tahirah , Khadijah invites us , too , to live lives that are pure and to become better Muslims , for Allah 's sake .


  7. I have faith because of . Michael and Harris Stoltenberg and I have faith because of you . The network of angels sitting here today . One of them , Khadijah Williams .


  8. The women of Paradise are of different grades , and the leaders of the women of Paradise are Khadijah , Fatimah , Maryam ( Mary ), and Aasiyah .


  9. So it was that the noble lady Khadijah asked her very distant younger cousin , Muhammad , to lead one of her caravans to Syria , on account of the trustworthiness of his character .


  10. It is said , for example , that when the trading caravans used to gather to set off for Syria or Yemen , Khadijah 's caravan would equal those of all the rest of the Quraish put together .
