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  • 网络基因组百科全书;京都基因与基因组百科全书;代谢途径分析;代谢途径分析数据库;百科全书
  1. Metabolic pathways of certain genes were found after KEGG online search .


  2. KEGG result indicate that these protein involved in 24 kinds of signal transduction pathway .


  3. KEGG and application in the predication of CIS - acting element


  4. Furthermore , the transcriptional changes was discussed at overall level by GO ( Gene Ontology ) and KEGG classification analysis .


  5. Then the GO and KEGG Pathway enrichment analysis were carried as well as the functional analysis and real time RT-PCR validation of two important genes .


  6. Based on the KEGG database , we analyze the topological properties of metabolic networks , and several effective algorithms are proposed for the detection of motif and functional modules .


  7. The KEGG pathway analysis results showed that significant enriched pathways targeted by miRNA in adipose tissue involved in the three aspect including adipogenesis , cell biological process and nervous system development .


  8. Analysis of the RNA-seq data using KEGG database revealed primary metabolism , biosynthesis of secondary metabolites , plant hormone signal transduction , and carotenoid biosynthesis were significantly changed in transgenic fruits .


  9. Only the sample of Im ( treated by imidacloprid ) showed enriched KEGG pathways for differentially expressed genes . In the GO and IPR databases , three treated samples all had enriched differences genes .


  10. We annotated the common carp contigs with Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways . Compared with zebrafish gene annotations , we found that a set of biological processes and pathways were enriched in common carp .


  11. KEGG pathways analysis indicated that at 48h and 72h post-inoculation , most genes related to metabolism pathways were down-regulated while expressions of genes involved in ribosome and proteasome pathway were all up-regulated .


  12. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes ( KEGG ) pathway analysis revealed that the differently expressed genes between table and wine grape were involved in several pathways primarily focused on Carbohydrates metabolism , Biosynthesis of secondary metabolism , Lipid metabolism and Energy metabolism .
